Apologies for various spelling mistakes and typos in above but my one year old HP Pavilion DV1139EA Centrino Notebook turned up its toes on Tuesday evening and appears to have had a total motherboard failure. So it has now gone off to HP for a repair of up to 2 weeks and meanwhile I am trying to access the internet and access email using a Netgem IPlayer Freeview and Internet/Email tv box.
Unfortunately its only means of navigation around web pages is with the four cursor keys on the keyboard as it has no mouse or touchpad. And it only shows me about a quarter of a web page at once
Really I have posted my message about the Ofcom meeting in the wrong place but I can't cut and paste from one thread to another with the Netgem. And the front page of this website still refers to the consutation that closed in December instead of this new one.
Anyhow coming back to the Ofcom meeting there were about 33 industry members present and this included 2 from BT and 2 from Kingston Communications. The rest included C& W, Carphone Warehous, Easynet, NTL, Magrathea Communications, 2 from NTL, Mobile Broadband Group, Teleworst, Opera Telecom, Orange, Quazzle, Redstone, Tiscali, TMobile, Tesco Telecoms, Vodafone, Voicenet, Wanadoo, Zimo, Intellect x 2, Interconnect 3, FCS, CMS and AT & T.
However I see that the Dti and Otelo also had a rep each which rather adds legitimacy to me being there in my local government and SayNoTo0870 hats.