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DVLA (Read 63,754 times)

Posts: 49
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Mar 1st, 2006 at 10:43pm
There is probably a thread open for the DVLA so I leave the powers that be to move this post as appropriate. You may be interested to read this e-mail from the DVLA.

Thank you for your recent email concerning the Non Geographical telephone numbers used by DVLA.
It may be of assistance if I explain that as a national organisation, it was considered iniquitous that some of our customers should benefit from their geographic location to Swansea, while other callers paid more for making the same telephone enquiry simply because of their remoteness from Swansea. By using a non-geographic number, this ensures that the arrangements are fair and equitable to all.
We are considering the use of alternative numbers such as Local Rate (0845) and Freephone (0800) telephone numbers. However, DVLA would have to bear the full cost of Freephone numbers and the difference in costs that customers using Local Rate pay. We are conscious of our duty to ensure that we provide all our services as cost-effectively as possible. It may help put matters into perspective if I explain that DVLA expects to handle up to 17 million calls this year, or up to 68,000 calls a day. The majority of calls received are to seek general information or advice that is already provided in documents and forms published by the Agency. It would not be reasonable for the general public to be expected to cover the costs of those few who choose to telephone DVLA to seek advice that is already in the public domain.
An average call to the Agency lasts under four minutes. This generally equates to the cost of a first class stamp and is met by the person using the service rather than the public as a whole.
DVLA also derives a number of technical advantages that are not available when using geographic numbers. These numbers offer a flexible, cost-effective method of routing calls. The use of non-geographic numbers also allows us to move, increase or decrease the lines available at short notice. It is one of a range of facilities that enable us to provide improved customer service.
In accordance with the guidance provided by the Central Office of Information (COI), DVLA are satisfied that the use of 0870 numbers is currently the most cost effective way of answering public telephone enquiries. The COI guidance recommends that, when using 0870 numbers, an alternative method of contact should run in parallel. DVLA offers its customers a number of non-telephone options to access its services, e.g. web, e-mail and letter. In view of this, DVLA considers that it operates its telephone customer interface in accordance with current COI guidance. Confirmation of this has been received from COI.
While DVLA does receive a proportion of the cost of calls made to the Agency, I must explain that the rebate money received from our service providers helps fund the Agency as a whole, including the enquiry service, and cannot be regarded as profit.

Mr J H Punchard

I note that they are still persisting to say that it is unfair on people outside Swansea to have to pay more for the call, so they use 0870 and then everybody pays more!!!   


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Reply #1 - Mar 1st, 2006 at 11:13pm
This is the same old garbage that was trotted out when I was dealing with this incompetent agency (see http://www.saynoto0870.com/cgi-bin/forum/YaBB.cgi?num=1121611363) some time ago. You have to remember that, in the British civil service, one key characteristic for promotion to positions of authority is the ability to demonstrate total cluelessness and clearly in this case, Mr Punchard, like those before him, has fulfilled this criterion. He is just spewing out the nonsense that is fed to him by the providers of the premium-rate numbers. He clearly lacks an understanding of the issues and really needs to be fired. This will not happen, and he'll probably become the CEO at some future date. I suggest you complain to your MP about these dithering idiots who demonstrate such abject failure in providing a service. Point out that is is cheaper for someone to call, for example, the Florida DMV than it is to call the cretins in Swansea.
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Reply #2 - Mar 2nd, 2006 at 9:52am
So lets say they receive 3p per minute. Their data of 17,000,000 calls a year averaging 4 minutes each gives a figure of £2,040,000 if my maths are correct. Certainly not loose change. Bill
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a very nice man
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Reply #3 - Mar 2nd, 2006 at 10:06am
perhaps this is one to try, From UK Info


01792 788003

Or from BT.com


International/General Enquiries
Tel: 01792 782341
Swansea SA6 7JL
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Reply #4 - Mar 3rd, 2006 at 8:55pm
BillH wrote on Mar 2nd, 2006 at 9:52am:
So lets say they receive 3p per minute. Their data of 17,000,000 calls a year averaging 4 minutes each gives a figure of £2,040,000 if my maths are correct. Certainly not loose change. Bill

That roughly concurs with the kind of figures given to MPs for DVLA in response to Parliamentary Questions.
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Reply #5 - Mar 3rd, 2006 at 8:59pm
idb wrote on Mar 1st, 2006 at 11:13pm:
You have to remember that, in the British civil service, one key characteristic for promotion to positions of authority is the ability to demonstrate total cluelessness and clearly in this case, Mr Punchard, like those before him, has fulfilled this criterion. He is just spewing out the nonsense that is fed to him by the providers of the premium-rate numbers. He clearly lacks an understanding of the issues and really needs to be fired. This will not happen, and he'll probably become the CEO at some future date.

So well said idb and even as one who has one who has once worked himself in the huge and faceless depths of uk governmental organisations. Wink

The scary thing about somewhere like the DVLA is that I doubt even those at the top have a clue about the details of the scam they are perpetrating. Shocked
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Reply #6 - Mar 6th, 2006 at 9:38pm
Following the receipt of the e-mail from the DVLA I e-mailed a copy to Ofcom asking 1) How can the DVLA continue to perpetrate the lie that a non geographic number benefits people outside Swansea 2) If they used an 0845 number they would not have to pay any differencial cost 3) A geographic number should be made available. Their reply is attached for interest-it answers no questions of course!!!!

Steve Unger has asked me to respond to your email concerning the DVLA’s response to your enquiry. I am project manager for Ofcom's work on Number Translation Services which includes 0845 and 0870 numbers.

Public sector use of 08 numbers is one of the subjects considered in a recent Ofcom consultation on the future of 08 numbers. The consultation is called Number Translation Services: A Way Forward and was published on 28 September 2005. A summary of the consultation and a link to the full consultation document are available on our website at:


Ofcom is currently reviewing responses to the consultation and hopes to issue a policy statement in the Spring.

As I am sure you will appreciate, Ofcom is not party to the commercial terms between the DVLA and its communications provider and is not therefore in a position to comment on the points you raise about the DVLAs costs or the DVLA’s wider views.

Ofcom's view (subject to consultation) is that the use of 08 numbers by public sector organisations is a matter for each organisation and that it would not be appropriate for Ofcom to dictate which numbers public sector organisations can use. However, we have made clear our view that public sector organisations should think carefully about using 084 and 087 numbers in place of Freephone or ordinary geographic numbers.

We also believe it is inappropriate for public sector organisations to use chargeable 08 numbers exclusively (i.e. without giving equal prominence to a geographic alternative) when dealing with people on low incomes or other vulnerable groups.

We have also contributed to the Central Office of Information’s best practice guidance for government contact centres and are keen to see a greater awareness and compliance with the guidance.

Best regards

Clive Hillier
Clive Hillier
Competition Policy Manager
+44 20 7783 4674

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Reply #7 - Mar 6th, 2006 at 10:53pm
davis wrote on Mar 6th, 2006 at 9:38pm:
We also believe it is inappropriate for public sector organisations to use chargeable 08 numbers exclusively (i.e. without giving equal prominence to a geographic alternative) when dealing with people on low incomes or other vulnerable groups.

I was just about to write this off as the usual totally anodine piffle from a quite supremely ineffective regulator that seems congenitally unable to fulfil its primary statutory duty to consider the best interests of uk citizens and consumers,  but then I cam across the above little statement by Mr Hillier.

Well yes its a very good idea indeed that public sector organisations who deal with people on lower incomes (that is therefore every public sector organisation that there is since The Ritz and Harrods both seem to be firmly in the private sector camp) should give equal prominence to a geographic alternative but how exactly is this to be made to happen because it seems that the BBC for one, the Inland Revenue for another and the Passport Agency for yet another all have a convenient deaf ear to Ofcom's blandishments.  And it says "chargeable 08 numbers" so Ofcom clearly also imply that public sector organisations using 0845 and 084x must also supply geographic alternatives.

The only thing that concerns me about Mr Hillier's statement is the mention of people on low incomes but how can the BBC for instance selectively only offer an 0800 number or a geographic number to those of its license payers who are on lower incomes.  So this means a geographic alternative must in fact be offered to everybody.

But I expect if it doesn't happen Ofcom will just smile sweetly and say "well we still really believe in the tooth fairy and in father Christmas too" so we naturally expected that when we expressed a hope that geographic alternatives would be provided that everyone would do it to show that they were all jolly decent chaps.  And no we can't possibly imagine for a minute that half the telecoms companies concerned might actually behave like the two bit shyster 09 ripoff merchants that keep on being referred to us week in and week out by ICSTIS for final action.

Its time to get real Ofcom.  Either get tough or else throw in the towel and the keys to your sumpuous riverside palace and let somebody who has the guts to stand up for the rights of the UK consumers take over from you.
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Reply #8 - Mar 7th, 2006 at 8:46pm

The quote selected from Ofcom may turn out to be useful.

"We also believe it is inappropriate for public sector organisations to use chargeable 08 numbers exclusively (i.e. without giving equal prominence to a geographic alternative)
when dealing with people on low incomes or other vulnerable groups”.

I agree with your comment of the last line (from “when”) and the Ofcom statement has to be applicable to all government departments and organisations.
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Reply #9 - Mar 8th, 2006 at 3:09pm
kk wrote on Mar 7th, 2006 at 8:46pm:

The quote selected from Ofcom may turn out to be useful.

[size=14][b]I agree with your comment of the last line (from “when”) and the Ofcom statement has to be applicable to all government departments and organisations.

So it's OK to rip-off those who are not on "low incomes."  Roll Eyes
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Reply #10 - Mar 8th, 2006 at 3:18pm
Dave wrote on Mar 8th, 2006 at 3:09pm:
So it's OK to rip-off those who are not on "low incomes."  Roll Eyes

The only social telephone tariffs I am aware of are BT Light User and BT In Contact Plus which in fact centre around low cost line rental with 01/02 calls in fact being much more expensive than on normal BT Together packages and even 0870 costing 7.91p versus 7.51p per minute.
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Reply #11 - Jun 14th, 2006 at 1:32pm
I thought I would add to the discussion on DVLA.   I was checking my son's new MOT certificate and discovered that, since last year, they have now changed their MOT enquiry/contact oline from an 0845 to an 0870 number.   They are also describing it as "national rate", something which is supposed to be unacceptable in OFCOM's (Mr Hillier's) eyes according to a recent email I had from him.   Furthermore, the DVLA actually expect people to help them by using this 0870 number when reporting issues in connection with crime prevention!!   Dream on DVLA - why should it cost law-abiding members of the public money to help this totally incompetent organisation do the work that it is paid to do???  (Feel very angry about DVLA anyway as their records of car ownership can be anything up to a year out of date & this can cause enormous stress & upset to innocent people.)   I suppose it is no good complaining to anyone but this just made me SO angry.
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Reply #12 - Jun 14th, 2006 at 2:33pm
This makes it very clear that ofcom want the government and coi to stop public bodies using chrageable 08 numbers:

9. What is Ofcom’s view on the use of NTS numbers by public and essential services?

Ofcom believes that public bodies should consider very carefully whether it is appropriate to use 08 numbers in place of Freephone or ordinary geographic numbers.

Ofcom does not consider that it has sufficient legal grounds to prevent public bodies from using NTS numbers. However, Ofcom recommends that public bodies should avoid using 0870 numbers for contact with members of the public.

Ofcom also believes it is inappropriate for public bodies to use any 08 number exclusively (i.e. without also providing a geographic alternative number) when dealing with people on low incomes or vulnerable groups.

Ofcom has provided advice to the Central Office of Information (which advises Government Departments on how to publicise their services) and will continue to provide this support. COI guidance now advises that 0870 numbers should not be used for consumer contact centres.

Ofcom would like to see a greater level of compliance with the COI’s published guidelines on the use of NTS numbers, given the level of public disquiet over this issue, and will support the Government in achieving this objective.

Ofcom is also consulting separately (in the Numbering Review) on a proposal to introduce a new number range (the 03 range) for service providers who would like to use a non-geographic number but which do not require a revenue share. Ofcom believes this new range on which revenue sharing would be banned, would if introduced be well suited to meeting the requirements of public bodies currently using 084 and 087 numbers.

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Reply #13 - Jun 16th, 2006 at 9:37am
Thank you for this information.  I have today sent an email with a formal complaint to DVLA and also been in touch with COI (the person I spoke to has promised to pass it on to the appropriate person in the organisation) based on this.   Let's see what happens!   I know I was FURIOUS last year when the DVLA cancelled my son's driving test at the last minute and it cost US to telephone them a number of times on 0870 to deal with a problem THEY created!  (We couldn't do any of it on-line as they suggest because my son has a medical condition which prevents use of their online service - so hit the disabled even harder!)
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Reply #14 - Jun 20th, 2006 at 11:59am
Barbara wrote on Jun 14th, 2006 at 1:32pm:
I suppose it is no good complaining to anyone but this just made me SO angry.

ASA rules ban the description of 0870 as National Rate in adverts and marketing materials. Also COI rules advising against use of 0870 numbers would apply to this government agency.

You could complain to your local Trading Standard department that this is misrepresentation of pricing under Part III of the Consumer Protection Act 1987.

See www.ofcom.org.uk/consult/condocs/oftel_0845/responses/leicester_cc.pdf

Also you could write to your MP asking him to write to the head of the DVLA asking why they are not following COI and ASA gudiance on these matters.

You could remind him of the current Parliamentary EDM (Early Day Motion) protesting against the use of these numbers by government departments:-


I hope this helps.
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« Last Edit: Jun 20th, 2006 at 12:02pm by N/A »  
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