davis wrote on Mar 4
th, 2006 at 1:39pm:
They are adamant that calls to 0845 are now charged at 3p per min peak times following a reduction in the call charge from 4p per min by BT and BT's website appears to confirm this. Does anybody know when and why BT reduced the price of a call to 0845?
Bt reduced its 0845 price in weekday daytime from 4p to 3p per minute on 1st July 2004 for BT Together customers when they abolished BT Standard Line Rental at £28.50 per quarter with £6.33 inclusive call allowance and made it compulsory to belong to BT Option 1 at £31.50 per quarter. So an increased line rental of over £9 per quarter for many people.
BT cut 0845 to 3p per minute at the same time as they cut national calls from 7.91p to 3p per minute. But 0845 still costs 60p per hour off peak and 01/02 local calls cost 5.5p per hour offpeak so 0845 can't be "local rate" can they.

Also BT Option 2 customers get their 01/02 calls free in the evening and Option 3 customers get their 01/02 calls free at all times. This does not however apply to 0845 numbers. Ipso fact they are not local rate. This is just a game of continued lies and deceit played by those who continue to run these 084/7 numbers. They are aided and abetted in this deceit by people like BT who still show 0845 as Local Rate or Lo-Call on their bills even when it is not. They are also aided and abetted by Ofcom who do nothing directly to stop the continued lies that 084/7 are Local Rate and National Rate.