firestop wrote on May 5
th, 2006 at 3:07pm:
But it will now take 'forever' for Ofcom to start (and finish!!) yet another look at the 'new' problem with 0871. They couldn't then ask all businesses to change their numbers, yet again, without a few years grace.
They will consider their job has been done - and in theory we WOULD have been better off with the 0870. Ofcom are not as daft as we may think - have they led us into this blind alley, purposefully?
Sadly, I think we have been well and truly 'done-over' on this.
The main reason companies have gotton away with 0870, is because the majority of callers, and even a few companies themselves were unaware of the rip off.
With more and more people getting free calls for geographic numbers, and the introduction of the new 03 range, this issue is getting more and more public attention, and people are complaining to companies about 0870 numbers.
With 0871, this might push a few more people who previously didn't bother too much about cost, to look at their phone bill, and think something isn't quite right, especially those who waited until the evening or weekend to call 0870.
Hopefully companies using 0871 will be exposed as rip off merchants, and customers will associate their 0871 number as non customer friendly before deciding to do business with them, in the same way as freephone encourages callers. Unfortunately most businesses use 0870, and 0871 numbers for customer services, rather than sales. People calling them need to talk to someone about the service (or in some cases lack of!!) they receive, and it's no skin off their nose if a customer didn't bother to call.
However a customer does have a choice to take their business elsewhere.