The document is simply what the Beeb's master - Capita - has told it to say. Capita is laughing all the way to the bank, fleecing the general public to the tune of millions per year. When Capita says 'JUMP', poor old Auntie says 'HOW BLOODY HIGH'. Instead of independence, the poor old W1A lapdog has to do what it is told or suffer the consequence.
Interestingly, our major networks here - NBC, ABC, CBS and FOX, and similarly in Canada, seem to manage quite well without the need to use telephone extortion. Accepted that they, unlike the Beeb, are generally funded through advertising, but so is ITV, and that also uses scam numbers. All television voting here appears to use toll-free numbers!
Capita is a great example of the worst kind of excesses that have been allowed to prosper by HMG and the spineless regulator Ofcom. Its rationale is to extract every drop of revenue from the caller without a care in the world. Executives' salaries and shareholder profits are paramount, and if that means charging premium rates for everyday calls, so be it.
What a wonderful country!