I had a call from these today. "Hi, you've been awarded £1000 in home improvements vouchers".
..on a line that used to be used as a fax line on an 0870 redirect (sorry!), and so whose number has never been given out.
I asked for his company name, "nationwide home improvements" and phone number "
0151 420 8732", and his name, where he gave me a first name, but refused point blank to give me his surname. I asked then for his managers name, and he said he didn't know her surname! Since I'd got as much as I was going to out of him, I advised him that the line was registered with the TPS and I'd be reporting the matter .. wherupon he hung up!
1471 gave the standard "we do not have the number to return the call" message.
I've filled in the TPSonline.org.uk complaints form, anyway. I'm hoping that will have some effect.
PS: Their address is:
Quote:Nationwide Home Improvements
Croft St
Tel: 0151 420 8732
via googling for their phone number!
~ Edited by Dave: Highlighting added