I stumbled across 'Spectra Denmark 1047'at
http://www.callback.se/Spectra-Denmark.htm, but my suspicion was aroused because I could get no rates from their rate calculator, so e-mailed their 'rate database admin' blester@telegroup.com, and that bounced so then e-mailed another address from their site global-sales@affinitytele.com, and that also bounced immediately.
So I guess this outfit is defunct (although it seems happy to encourage sign-up), unless someone can report it as in use. But I'm also worried because it seems to be intimately close to 'Primus', which I use via CPS for UK->UK calls, mainly in the evenings and at weekends.
So any news re whether the 'Spectra Denmark 1047' website is just having a glitch, and/or the continued health of Primus in the UK, would be most welcome