, the on-line DVD retailer and film content provider, has merged with Apollo, the UK's third largest High Street film rental operator. The Apollo stores will become Filmnight’s high street operation over the coming months.
Correspondence & Registered Company Address
Filmnight Stores Limited
Unit B Argent Court
Hook Rise South
Customer Services: 08707 66 34 66
Business Enquiries: 020 8397 3333
Fax: 020 8397 3322
A search on 192 for the postcode lists Filmnight, but not a number. However the Apollo has the same number as bus enqs.
If you use their storefinder you will find the local stores have local numbers.
Ironically, if you use their postcode of GY1 3BU in the store search you'll find that they don't operate over there.
A google of GY1 3BU reveals it to be also a mailbox for an ink supplier.