So I keep seeing Traveline stickers on bus stops showing an 0871 number to call and worse still their own website at specificially says "Please note that
this number is available during office hours and that it is
for customer support and cannot give advice on travel times or fares."
But then contradictorily they also say on the same webpage that "Alternatively, for support on all our services including on our 0871 200 22 33 telephone service and our 84268 text service, please call us on
0114 22 11 282." So are customer support and support two different things then in Traveline's mind.???

As with all the garbage to be found with Link Asset Services at where they show 0871 numbers and 0371 numbers with the wrong explanations about which numbers are for customers these companies just seem incapable of doing things right. What they need to do in order to make things right is repeatedly pointed out to them but they still go on showing the 0871 numbers.....
Personally I think its all deliberate and they want to go on making money out of the 0871 number for as long as they can. And the only way to stop this is for Ofcom to abolish the 084 and 087 number ranges completely and require anyone who wants a legtimate 09 number (only legitimate uses seem to be sex chat numbers) to move to 09.