01902 302800 is now unobtainable and was "Savings for British Gas" (0845 6098952)
01902 302801 /02 /09 /888 were for the mortgage contact centre but are now unobtainable
01902 302832 is now unobtainable and was listed as alternative for Savings & Investments
01902 302833 has redirection message for "Collection Team" on 0845 6032652
The number we had for switchboard, 01902 508000, has a recording (which is aimed at internal callers) saying that you have dialled 0 and that switchboard is on 7583 33333. Perhaps this number goes through to another switchboard elsewhere. We do have reception which is 01902 302001.
A number of 0845 and 0800 numbers now are either not recognised or have recordings giving new 0845 numbers.
According to
the Wikipedia article, it became a division of Bank of Scotland Plc in 2007.
See also
this recent article in the Birmingham Post about job cuts at BM.
If they have moved, then the best alternative we have at the moment is Halifax's switchboard number, 01422 380880. At least they will put you through.