Keith wrote on Oct 6
th, 2006 at 10:08pm:
Just got my BT bill. Under cost of calls section the 0845 and 0870 numbers are now shown as '0845 Numbers' and '0870 Numbers' rather than 'National Rate' and 'Lo-call'
A positive change.
Rather than welcoming this change you should be asking why the two faced double dealing liars at BT were allowed to change back to calling 0870 National Rate and 0845 Lo-Call right up to the point at which new Ofcom guidelines on accurate call price disclosure would have made it illegal.
For a brief period BT described 0870 and 0845 as Special Rate Services but after then being inundated with calls from consumers who wanted to know why and were confused that these numbers weren't descrived as the Lo-Call and National Rate they had always been told they were they decided to change back to Lo-Call and National Rate. This despite the CEO of BT Retails Ian Livingston saying 0870 and 0845 ripoffs must go many months before and despite the anti 0845 and 0870 submissions submitted by BT to NTS Optiond For the Future and NTS Way Forward.
Meanwhile BT commercial services still continued to promote these numbers to business as a way to make money while your customers only paid Local and National Rate.
Talk about a company that speaks with forked tongue!