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NEG propaganda (Read 784,566 times)
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Re: NEG propaganda
Reply #105 - Jul 25th, 2007 at 3:35pm
Dave wrote on Jul 25th, 2007 at 2:56pm:
Which is what I've been saying for ages and why, by definition, "standard" numbers can't vary in price.

What is the betting that Ofcom and New Labour use their own dictionary with different definitions of certain words from the ones that we are used to. Wink Roll Eyes Angry Cry
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Re: NEG propaganda
Reply #106 - Jul 25th, 2007 at 4:49pm
NGMsGhost wrote on Jul 25th, 2007 at 3:35pm:
What is the betting that Ofcom and New Labour use their own dictionary with different definitions of certain words from the ones that we are used to. Wink Roll Eyes Angry Cry
I wonder what meaning they have for the word "premium?"
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Re: NEG propaganda
Reply #107 - Jul 25th, 2007 at 5:12pm
bbb_uk wrote on Jul 25th, 2007 at 4:49pm:
I wonder what meaning they have for the word "premium?"

Extra dosh for us to stuff in our already money-laden pockets?
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Re: NEG propaganda
Reply #108 - Jul 25th, 2007 at 5:14pm
I have located and spoken to Mr Sefton of Leeds, who described on The Times website that he and his wife were dismissed from their surgery.   The dismissal is described by the doctor as due to his abusive behaviour and he acknowledges that he may have loosened his self control momentarily.   It appears that he was put under severe provocation by the surgery as he tried to complain about their use of an 0844 number.

Following his attempt to register his complaint he received a letter from his doctor telling him that he was removed from their list of patients and I quote : ---
" The receptionist who dealt with your query tried to explain our current practice appointments policy, but clearly you were not prepared to listen to her.   I personally explained to you that the 0844 number is not a premium rate number and that the practice itself makes no profit from the very small extra charge over and above the standard BT rate."

You could well imagine how this conversation must have gone which no doubt lead to utter frustration on the part of Mr Sefton.   It is a sad and disturbing tale.   Mr Sefton will not call 0844 numbers on principle, nor 0870, 0871, 0845 or any equivalents and I belive he may have told his doctor that.

If this is how doctors are now treating patients well into their 70s who try to complain directly about 0844, then no wonder trust and respect for doctors is rapidly deteriorating and soon they may be seen on an even lower professional level than estate agents and journalists (-- sorry that may be an insult to estate agents and journalists).   

GPs are already being referred to as greedy, profit seeking, disgraceful, rip-off merchants, overpaid, immoral and unprincipled by numerous people in recent days.    How bad will it have to get before the BMA, the GMC and the DoH do something to halt the extreme damage that use of 0844 numbers is causing?????  And then what about Ofcon getting a grip on this issue?   Any chance???
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Re: NEG propaganda
Reply #109 - Jul 25th, 2007 at 8:42pm
loddon wrote on Jul 25th, 2007 at 5:14pm:
I have located and spoken to Mr Sefton of Leeds, who described on The Times website that he and his wife were dismissed from their surgery.   The dismissal is described by the doctor as due to his abusive behaviour and he acknowledges that he may have loosened his self control momentarily.   It appears that he was put under severe provocation by the surgery as he tried to complain about their use of an 0844 number.

Following his attempt to register his complaint he received a letter from his doctor telling him that he was removed from their list of patients and I quote : ---
" The receptionist who dealt with your query tried to explain our current practice appointments policy, but clearly you were not prepared to listen to her.   I personally explained to you that the 0844 number is not a premium rate number and that the practice itself makes no profit from the very small extra charge over and above the standard BT rate."

You could well imagine how this conversation must have gone which no doubt lead to utter frustration on the part of Mr Sefton. …

Firstly, the reception is clearly arguing that it is not premium rate by the definition of the telecoms industry. But all of us who know better go by the dictionary definition of "premium" (as mentioned above in previous posts).

Secondly, I do not condone what Mr Sefton is reported to have done. But the receptionist should be trained in how to handle irate patients. In effect, telling them that they are wrong only builds barriers and is likely to inflame the situation and cause them more frustration.
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Re: NEG propaganda
Reply #110 - Jul 25th, 2007 at 8:46pm
A few more comments on The Times website :  ----

It's all of a piece with hospitals installing phones by the bedside which cost the earth to access. To make things worse, when you phone your ailing friend you have to listen to, and pay for, a needlessly long spoken introduction. Needless to say, the charges are similar when your friend phones out.
Who invents these schemes? To profiteer from the sick and the isolated is immoral.
I can remember a time (actually within living memory!) when we had a health service to be proud of. Hospitals were clean. Nurses nursed instead of gossipping round a "nursing station." Hospital acquired infections were rare. In hospital, one felt as safe as the technology made possible.
How did it all go so badly wrong?
Michael Bruce, Selby, Yorkshire

My surgery doesn't use an expensive code, it uses our local area code. They also listen to patients' views and have a policy of acting on patients wishes with regard to privacy and surgery availability. I am sure that if they considered an 0844 code, they would ask us beforehand and act accordingly. It couldn't be any better if it tried.
Jennifer Hynes, Plymouth, England

Although BT calls are charged at 3p per minute- BT also charge a 'Call Set Up' fee of 3p. So a one minute call from BT costs 6p, but a one minute call to an 0844 number only costs 5p. It's swings and roundabouts. I would be happy to pay a slightly higher call charge for an improved service like this.
Most places you call nowadays have an 0844/0845 number.
Liz Kerr, Leicester,

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Re: NEG propaganda
Reply #111 - Jul 25th, 2007 at 8:50pm
The manager of my surgery has said that they have spoken with NEG. He assured me that they won't be changing to 0844 as they don't consider it right that patients be asked to "subsidise the costs of a new telephone system at the practice."
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Re: NEG propaganda
Reply #112 - Jul 25th, 2007 at 8:51pm
loddon wrote on Jul 25th, 2007 at 8:46pm:
Most places you call nowadays have an 0844/0845 number.
Liz Kerr, Leicester,

No they don't.
And the fact that most people used to use children to clean chimneys did not make it right.
Scamming people by using a rate that rides round the rules to trick people into calling revenue sharing numbers is wrong.
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Re: NEG propaganda
Reply #113 - Jul 25th, 2007 at 8:51pm
And yet more comments on the Daily Mail website : ----

This is intolerable. Making money out of the sick. The surgeries that have adopted these telephone lines should be severely reprimanded and have their funding reduced by the amount that is gained from this totally unacceptable method of adding to their income. We live in Britain - not the U.S.A. where such sharp practices may be acceptable. The NHS is free? Give me a break.
- Francis Nelson, Brighton and Hove, UK

This is nothing new. Years ago my local surgery replaced it's geographical number with an 0870 profit-making one. Only after the involvement of the local press did the practice manager relinquish his former denials that it was a money making exercise. The number was subsequently changed again, but not back to a geographical number (cheapest option). It's yet another obscene tax on the sick and vulnerable.
- Glyn, Southampton, U.K.

I am a GP at a practice which has an 0844 number. We dont make any profit from this at all. These are the facts:
1. Prior to implementation our old telephone system was obsolete and patient satisfaction at telephone access only 41% - they often got an engaged tone.
2. We applied for an NHS improvement grant on 2 separate occcassions and were turned down.
3. By going to a telephone company with an 0844 number, the income from the incoming calls offset the cost of the new telephone harware meaning we could offer a virtual queing system for incoming calls and telephone consulting. This has increased our telephone access satisfaction to 60% which is just above national average.
4. In April 2007 the average incoming call length was 2.23 min. At 1.2p extra per minute, the average call costs the patient 2.7p more. But the surgery doesn't profit from it - the patient profits with a better telephone access the NHS refused to pay for!
- Dr Tim Ramsbottom, Hitchin Herts

People on a low income will now have to think twice before phoning the GP surgery. This will affect the most vulnerable people such as the elderly or some of those with mental health problems. If the NHS needs more money why not charge people for missed appointments, or make a charge for the 40 per cent of A&E admissions which are alcohol related?
- Anonymous, UK

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« Last Edit: Jul 25th, 2007 at 8:52pm by loddon »  
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Re: NEG propaganda
Reply #114 - Jul 25th, 2007 at 9:18pm
I am a GP at a practice which has an 0844 number. We dont make any profit from this at all. These are the facts:
1. Prior to implementation our old telephone system was obsolete and patient satisfaction at telephone access only 41% - they often got an engaged tone.
2. We applied for an NHS improvement grant on 2 separate occcassions and were turned down.
3. By going to a telephone company with an 0844 number, the income from the incoming calls offset the cost of the new telephone harware meaning we could offer a virtual queing system for incoming calls and telephone consulting. This has increased our telephone access satisfaction to 60% which is just above national average.
4. In April 2007 the average incoming call length was 2.23 min. At 1.2p extra per minute, the average call costs the patient 2.7p more. But the surgery doesn't profit from it - the patient profits with a better telephone access the NHS refused to pay for!
- Dr Tim Ramsbottom, Hitchin Herts

Don't make "any profit". How noble of you Dr Ramsbottom. So where do the call charges go that put this call over and above the price of an 01/02 call? Then in point 3 you refer to it as an "income", thus you are receiving something (the phone system) which you would have otherwise had to pay for out of your budget, leaving you with money to spend elsewhere. You have mentioned "profit" (and lack thereof) to cover the fact that you are really benefitting covertly at callers' direct expense and you consider this quite acceptable.

And the cost to your patients varies. A landline user will pay anything from 2 to 5 pence per minute on top of what they pay to 01/02 numbers. Mobile users pay anything upto 40p/min and those who have to call from a BT Payphone pay more than 10 times the price of an 01/02 call.

Now consider how much your callers actually pay to your 0844 in addition to what they paid when you used an 01/02 number. Aside from the fact that you are forcing them to pay for your new phone system, does the cost really reflect what the system is worth? If you receive 2p/min which you pass onto your providers (which I understand is a typical amount that surgeries receive), then the telco providing the 0844 which (presumably) the system's supplier appoints, keeps most of the other 3p/min. A small amount will be retained by the telco that the caller is with to carry the call.

So it is not even a case of your surgery using 2p/min of incoming call charges to finance the system. At 2p/min on a 40p/min or even 10p/min call, 2p/min is a tiny amount and reflects the inefficient way of being paid revenue from your callers [patients].

Moreso, the price of a system (product) such as this is usually determined by market forces. Supermarkets offer different ranges (brands) of the same type of product which usually vary in price. The price you (the customer) pays is the price on the shelf. It's clear to see and there is a competitive element which helps drive down prices and thus reduce "excessive" profit by the manufacturer (some may disagree with this, put in principal this is what happens for the good of the consumer).

With these telephone systems and with so-called revenue sharing NTS numbers this doesn't really exist because the pratice is the customer and gets patients to subsidise the phone system through an extremely inefficient transaction where telcos must be raking it in!

BTW, Dr Ramsbottom practices at Nevells Road Surgery in Letchworth.
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« Last Edit: Jul 26th, 2007 at 2:24am by Dave »  
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Re: NEG propaganda
Reply #115 - Jul 26th, 2007 at 5:20pm
Seen on the Anorak News Website :----

GPs Profit From Patient Calls      25th July

FIRST it was Richard and Judy, then Blue Peter and now we find that even the most trusted member of society, the family doctor, has been making money out of our phone calls.

According to the Mail, doctors are being accused of switching local surgeries to more expensive 0844 phone numbers in an attempt to boost their profits. The switch means that millions of patients face paying at least 40 per cent more to book an appointment with their GP.

patient Says:
July 25th, 2007 at 10:55 am
For training and quality purposes all calls will be recorded.
To be put through to a condescending, abrupt receptionist - please press 1.
To find out the results of your smear test - please press 2.
To check to see if we have your prescription or have lost it - please press 3.
To find out why your doctor can no longer make home visits - please press 4.
For any other enquiry, or if you would like to be placed on hold for 20 minutes in complete silence - please press 5.

We are sorry to keep you waiting. Your call is important to us …….

George Says:
July 26th, 2007 at 6:14 pm
This is immoral and unethical. It is a degradation of the medical profession and Hypocrates must be spinning in his grave. The grasping greedy extorting image that doctors are now creating is going to damage the profession for many years to come. If they want to use a non-geographic number then they should at least make their normal geographic number available to those patients who ask for it. Doctors should start putting their patients welfare first instead of robbing them through their phone calls. It is a disgrace.

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« Last Edit: Jul 26th, 2007 at 5:22pm by loddon »  
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Re: NEG propaganda
Reply #116 - Jul 26th, 2007 at 5:26pm
And now in the Norwich Evening News   http://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/content/news/story.aspx?brand=ENOnline&category=N...  

GPs criticised for costly phone numbers

26 July 2007 09:23

Doctor's surgeries have been criticised by patients for switching their phone numbers to expensive 0844 dialling codes.

While the numbers are not premium rate, they can cost up to 5p per minute for people who have call plans which would otherwise allow them inexpensive or free local calls.

Campaigners have called for an end to the practice saying it is unfair. The specialist surgery telephone service is used by several medical centres in Norfolk, including Costessey Medical Practice and Acle Medical Centre and costs 5p per minute.

Today, Jan Hardinge, practice manager at Costessey, said: “The only place you would pay more is when you have got a supplier where you get local calls included and they don't pick it up as a local call. Suppliers of price plans need to recognise 0844 numbers are local and put them in all-inclusive calls.”

Grace Yorke, of Acle Medical Centre, said: “We can't take into consideration what some people may or may not have in their own personal arrangements. The fact is we wouldn't charge any more than a local call.”

Telephone service provider Network Europe Group (NEG) argues the 0844 numbers allow surgeries to queue calls and divert them to a number of extensions so that patients are not just stuck with an engaged tone.

However, Joyce Robins, co-director of Patient Concern, said: “It is quite ridiculous. People should not pay more for their calls to their GP. It can be very difficult to get through to your surgery in some cases and you can run up quite a bill.”

Ü What do you think of the 0844 numbers? Write to Evening News Letters, Prospect House, Rouen Road, Norwich, NR1 1RE, email eveningnewsletters@ archant.co.uk or visit www.evening news24.co.uk/forums
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Re: NEG propaganda
Reply #117 - Jul 26th, 2007 at 5:31pm
There is a Petition on the No. 10 website which seeks to prevent the use of non-geographic numbers by GPs.

http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/NGN-use-by-GPs/  Go here to vote now!!!

General Medical Practioners are being persuaded, by telephone equipment suppliers and service providers, to change from the use of local 01 and 02 geographic numbers to a non-geographic 0844 number to book an appointment and 0870 numbers for calls from overseas countries. The patient has to remember a 11 or 12 digit number as againt a 5 or 6 digit local call number. These numbers are also revenue sharing numbers and generate an income for the doctors surgery and/or the telephone service provider and encourage the queing of calls to generate extra revenue. It is not possible to make a 0870 call from most overseas counties and therefore you or a hospital will not be able to contact your doctor for information. After hours doctor services are also using the 0870 number for incoming calls This practice penalises the poor, elderly and other persons who do not have access to a home phone and must rely on a public phone box and is additional un-neccessary burden and cost on illness
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« Last Edit: Jul 26th, 2007 at 5:35pm by loddon »  
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Re: NEG propaganda
Reply #118 - Jul 26th, 2007 at 5:39pm
Today, Jan Hardinge, practice manager at Costessey, said: “The only place you would pay more is when you have got a supplier where you get local calls included and they don't pick it up as a local call. Suppliers of price plans need to recognise 0844 numbers are local and put them in all-inclusive calls.”

What planet is Ms Hardinge living on?  Roll Eyes

Yes, of course. She expects telephone companies (who originate calls) to pick up the tab and make a loss or increase their prices because she has chosen a revenue generating number. Pure greed and stupidity on this pratice's part!!!

Grace Yorke, of Acle Medical Centre, said: “We can't take into consideration what some people may or may not have in their own personal arrangements. The fact is we wouldn't charge any more than a local call.”

Err, so why have you moved from an 01/02 number? Did you do some research or did you let yourself be brainwashed by your service provider (NEG??) ?
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Re: NEG propaganda
Reply #119 - Jul 26th, 2007 at 6:03pm
loddon wrote on Jul 26th, 2007 at 5:26pm:
Telephone service provider Network Europe Group (NEG) argues the 0844 numbers allow surgeries to queue calls and divert them to a number of extensions so that patients are not just stuck with an engaged tone.

Not true.   It is the system that allows calls to be queued or diverted  --- NOT the number.   The system can just as easily perform these type of functions whatever the number, geographics included.
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