I have received a response from the Ashton Health Centre, nothing more that you would expect:-
Main Surgery
Ashton Health Centre
Pedders Lane
Tel:0844 4720001
30th August 2007
Dear Mr Lawton,
Thank you for your letter regarding the telephone system that the three
practices use here at the health centre and I am sorry that you feel that are
communications network is unacceptable.
I can confirm however that the practice operates a Centrex Switchboard
system which is approved by the NHS bodies. The call charges to the
practice are that in line with the Telewest tariff for local call charges and are
4pence per minute which is the same as a BT network. The call charge could
be a maximum of 8pence per minute if being accessed via a mobile phone
network which again is line with BT charges.
The practice has not received a free switchboard or hardware from any
supplier, indeed the practices pay a monthly charge to the supplier to support
the facilities offered by a Centrex system.
I acknowledge your comments regarding queuing systems however previous
patient questionnaires and surveys heavily condemned the old system that
the practice employed and found constant engaged tones frustrating. The
telecommunications system which has been in place now for over 18 months
allows patients the option to select and access the most appropriate person
within the organisation without having to listen to an engaged tone. The
system also allows us to monitor our busiest times and therefore ensure
appropriate staff are in place to answer calls at the peak times. The queuing
system allows patients the option to either hold in a queue or call back if they
do not wish to hold. Although acknowledging your comments and concerns
the practice has received positive feedback in its recent patient satisfaction
surveys regarding the improved telephone access. Please also note that
patients can still call the old practice numbers if they so wish.
I have reviewed the Downing Street web-site and shall await with interest the
outcome of the petition in February 2008.
Thank you for raising your concerns with me and I will raise your specific
issues both with the practice user group and at the next internal review
meeting. I have also asked the Telewest Healthcare Manager to formally
review our contract and services offered to patients.
I have copied a copy of this response to the complaints team at Central
Lancashire PCT Should you still remain unsatisfied with the outcome of the
investigation you are able to contact the Healthcare commission for an
independent review of your case. The healthcare commission will review your
complaint within two months of the date of the final formal written response.
The Healthcare commission can be contacted at~:
Healthcare Commission
Complaints Investigation Team
Manchester M1 9XZ
Telephone: 0845 6013012
Once again my sincere apologies and in the meantime if you would like to
discuss any aspect of this letter or meet with me please do not hesitate to
contact me.
Kind regards
Mrs L.A.Powler
Practice Manager
cc. Carol Hannon, Central Lancashire PCT
Notice the bit that is at the bottom of the letter, that I have highlighted in red!
She is having a meeting next Wednesday, 12th September with Telewest and someone from the health board? not sure who that is , but then she is on leave so I do not expect any further correspondence for about 2 weeks when she has said she will get back to me.
I( have just spoken to Louise Fowler pointing out the errors in her letter re call charges, she tells me that
Telewest Communications Plc. provides the number and the service and that Ashton Health Centre has no contract with NEG Surgeryline! I find that hard to believe, and that is where she has got her pricing from, I have explained that the practice should supply the geo number alongside the 0844 number and she has said that all the old 01772 numbers still work, but after the meeting next week she will need to have a "business meeting" within the practice to discuss the issues that I have raised