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NEG propaganda (Read 777,112 times)
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Re: NEG propaganda
Reply #525 - Apr 10th, 2008 at 10:48am
Dave wrote on Apr 9th, 2008 at 9:58am:
idb wrote on Apr 9th, 2008 at 8:30am:
Mark Leonard, manager of Delapre Medical Centre, said the new system was only possible using 0844 numbers.

And herein this statement is the proof that the Delapre Medical Centre requires patients to pay for the telephone system. Had it used any other NTS number, it, apparently, would not have been "possible".

idb wrote on Apr 9th, 2008 at 8:30am:
"We do a patient survey and the surgery scored low for accessibility because of the old telephone system.

"Since the new one has come in, that score has gone up by about 40 per cent."

It's the modern 21st century way of running the NHS whereby the outcome of "customer satisfaction" surveys can apparently permit NHS providers to charge patients.

40% of what? I mean if they had one participent in the old survey and two in the new one and the two voted in favour that is a big percentage increase, so numbers would have been more helpful than percentages.
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Re: NEG propaganda
Reply #526 - Apr 17th, 2008 at 2:54pm
Just thought I should let people know that I am now in ongoing correspondence with my PCT (Complaints and Legal Affairs) regarding Doctors using 0870 for overseas calls and so far it is looking positive, although I expect it to be kicked into the long grass at some point!

Interestingly they use the wording 'premium rate' for 0870 and were interested in knowing about any doctors using it and would take action if doing so. What they didn't appreciate in the initial correspondence was the 'for use from overseas'. They responded by agreeing that it shouldn't be used from a moral point of view, but were not sure whether this was covered by DofH guidelines. In other word agree with you, but won't do anything about it!

However they passed me to someone else (Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)) with whom I had a very long conversation and she clearly was no fan of any of these numbers and is going to persue the matter. She even came up with her own arguments as to why these shouldn't be used e.g. Retired people who partly live abroad being very inconvenienced. She will get back to me. I obviously expect her to be blocked, but we shall see.
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Re: NEG propaganda
Reply #527 - Apr 17th, 2008 at 3:36pm
Keith wrote on Apr 17th, 2008 at 2:54pm:
Just thought I should let people know that I am now in ongoing correspondence with my PCT (Complaints and Legal Affairs) regarding Doctors using 0870 for overseas calls and so far it is looking positive, although I expect it to be kicked into the long grass at some point!

The main excuse I have seen used by the more slime faced GPs who work at surgeries who unashamdedly use 0844 numbers is that they are not responsible for their patients when they are overseas and thus there is no need to expect the patient to contact them and it is not part of the GP contract etc, etc and thus having and 0870 access for overseas is not covered by DoH rules but merely an additional facility they choose to provide for patient convenience outside their contracts with the PCT etc, etc.  The counter argument is that this is bunkum and that if you are in a serious road accident overseas and unconscious and anyone else travelling with you is unconscious or dead they need urgent access to your medical records to know any forms of treatment they must avoid or things you are allergic to etc, etc.  I don't know how UK NHS hospitals tackle this after someone comes in from a serious RTA unconscious?  Presumably the out of hours emergency number these GP practices have for a group of surgeries (also 0845 or 0870 potentially) does have computer access to patient records for the practice if a hospital calls.  Or are they still all on paper in filing cabinets.  We know there is a plan for a national online medical records facility but it is very controversial (privacy issues) and not yet rolled out.  Bottom line is that there are reasons why overseas medical services might need to legitimately contact your doctor.  Doctor get out - this is not part of the GP contract with the NHS I expect but only an extra courtesy facility.

However they passed me to someone else (Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)) with whom I had a very long conversation and she clearly was no fan of any of these numbers and is going to persue the matter. She even came up with her own arguments as to why these shouldn't be used e.g. Retired people who partly live abroad being very inconvenienced. She will get back to me. I obviously expect her to be blocked, but we shall see.

This is what might make all the difference.  Unfortunately due to the total ineptitude of Ofcom in promoting 03 numbers or ever telling the public that 084/7 numbers are excluded from free/bundled call plans to 01/02 numbers on fixed line/mobile  most of these numpties in the PCTs seem to be clueless and themselves wrongly genuinely believe 0845 and 0870 are normal priced calls.  Financial illiteracy often seems to be a prime qualifying factor for working at a PCT. Shocked Angry Cry
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« Last Edit: Apr 17th, 2008 at 3:36pm by NGMsGhost »  

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Re: NEG propaganda
Reply #528 - Apr 17th, 2008 at 4:04pm
This is a step in the right direction isn't it? From my surgery's web site. Now just waiting for the surgery to follow suit...some chance!

New Out of hours number

Out-of-Hours emergency service  If you think you need urgent advice when the surgery is closed, NHS Direct may be able to help on 0845 46 47, but if you are sure that you need medical advice from a doctor about something that cannot wait until normal working hours, please ring 0300 130 1313.  Your call will be taken by Harmoni, who will arrange for a doctor to ring you back and advise how the problem should be dealt with
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Re: NEG propaganda
Reply #529 - Apr 17th, 2008 at 4:10pm
sherbert wrote on Apr 17th, 2008 at 4:04pm:

Out-of-Hours emergency service ... Your call will be taken by Harmoni, who will arrange for a doctor to ring you back and advise how the problem should be dealt with...

I am assuming that this is a company and not some poor girl sitting by the phone from 6pm - 7am hehe
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Re: NEG propaganda
Reply #530 - Apr 17th, 2008 at 4:12pm
It was encouraging that the PCT Legal Affairs person referred to 0870 at 'Premium Rate'. That same term was used today on Working Lunch by the reporter when quizzing someone (see separate posting from me).

It was also encouraging that the PALS person seemed to get excited about this. Who are PALS? What is their role?

In our conversation she used the term local rate for 0845 and apologised commenting that even though she knew this was wrong it was a habit one got into.

However even though it is encouraging that the message is getting across re the true nature of 0845/0844/0870 the posting today from you re the BBC was just so depressing. The guy was so ignorant of the facts. I would be embarrassed to send that out.
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Re: NEG propaganda
Reply #531 - Apr 17th, 2008 at 7:16pm
Keith wrote on Apr 17th, 2008 at 4:12pm:
It was also encouraging that the PALS person seemed to get excited about this. Who are PALS? What is their role?

A cynic would say they appear to have a 'fob off complaints' function.
Patient Advice and Liaison Services (PALS) provide information, advice and support to help patients, families and their carers.

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« Last Edit: Apr 17th, 2008 at 7:18pm by Heinz »  

After years of ignoring govt. guidelines & RIPPING OFF Council Tax payers using 0845 numbers, Essex County Council changed to 0345 numbers on 2 November 2015
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Re: NEG propaganda
Reply #532 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 1:41am

GP: I’m not doing a number on patients

Apr 16 2008

PATIENTS at an East Kilbride doctors’ surgery have been assured that a new telephone system will not hit them in the pocket.

Dr Ian Chisholm’s practice at the Alison Lea medical centre in Calderwood is set to introduce a new phone system in an attempt to improve the service for patients.

From May 1, people phoning the surgery will call a number starting with 0845, as opposed to the previous local prefix.

This sparked fears among patients as 0845 numbers cost more than the local rate and often put callers through to a call centre.

Additionally, in many cases the recipient of the call can make a profit, although this won’t be the case at the practice.

Dr Chisholm this week insisted the charges will remain roughly the same and claims patients will see the benefits.

He said: “We are introducing the number from May 1 as part of a new telephone system that will allow us to answer patients' calls faster and more effectively. This is in response to comments from our patient satisfaction survey about how easy it is to contact the practice by phone. With the old system some patients were finding the line frequently engaged. The new system allows calls to be directed appropriately so they are dealt with more efficiently and patients can also indicate if the call is urgent.

"The system is being introduced purely in the interests of improving the service to patients and the practice will not profit from it. The cost 0845 calls are charged at BT’s advertised Lo-Call rate and we hope that by directing calls appropriately we can reduce the call time.

“The average overall cost to callers should be broadly similar to before."

It is notable that this decision was taken by the GP himself and not the NHS.

The use of 0845 numbers by the public sector has sparked controversy, with critics claiming that charging details are unclear.

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aka NHS.Patient, DH_fairtelecoms

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Re: NEG propaganda
Reply #533 - Apr 18th, 2008 at 7:03am
Keith wrote on Apr 17th, 2008 at 4:12pm:
Who are PALS? What is their role?

In my experience, some of it very personal, PALS personnel are, like most of those who work in the NHS, genuinely committed to do all they can to help patients on a personal basis. In their case it is with the resolution of issues that patients and the public have with health treatment. They work for the trusts and so have a duty to resolve and dilute complaints, rather than invariably escalating them to cause a review of policy.

We have to face the fact that there is widespread misunderstanding and ignorance about NGNs. Not all of this can be blamed directly on those who show it. I see part of our role as being friendly educators of those who are simply misinformed, whilst we fiercely criticise those who should know better. It is sometimes difficult to know which is appropriate and we have to choose on which side to risk erring. Sometimes we may disagree on the latter point.
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Re: NEG propaganda
Reply #534 - Apr 22nd, 2008 at 9:32pm

Letters for Huntingdon and the surrounding area

Surgeries' hone numbers should be local

15:58 - 22 April 2008

THE Government has now commented on the use by doctors' surgeries - among others - of non-geographic 0844 numbers and 0870 numbers for overseas calls.

The Government says: "Responsibility for provision of local health services now rests with local NHS organisations, as they have the specific knowledge and expertise that makes them best placed to plan, develop and improve services according to the needs of the local population. The provision of telephone services for patients and the public is therefore a matter for the local NHS.

"However, the message from the Department of Health has made it very clear to NHS organisations that patients should not be expected to pay more than the equivalent of a local call to contact their GPs.

"NHS organisations have a duty to ensure that they provide the best possible service to their local populations. We expect primary care trusts and GPs to ensure locally that telephone systems do not place a financial burden on patients."

Surgeries within Cambridgeshire are still using these numbers. I have asked Cambridgeshire PCT to ensure that this practice stops forthwith or, if not, to say what other action it will be taking over what time scale.


Audley Close

St Ives

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Re: NEG propaganda
Reply #535 - Apr 24th, 2008 at 1:35am


Present: Councillor J Kaufman – Mayor
Councillor Mrs J M Gore – Deputy Mayor
Councillors: L A Bentley, T S Biring, G A Boulter, J W Boyce, Mrs L M
Broadley, K M A Brown, M O Carrara, M H Charlesworth, Mrs E M
Connell, Ms C L Edmonston, D A Gamble, C S Gore, M Griffiths, P A
Hings, Mrs H E Loydall, K J Loydall, R E R Morris, Mrs S B Morris, S M
Rizvi, P Swift, Mrs R I Sylvester and J Vickerstaff (22)
Mrs P Glasse (Independent Member – Standards Committee) also
attended the meeting.
Officers in Attendance: Mrs A Court, P Johnson, G Waterfield, Mrs S
Cairns, S Lucas and Mrs W Back
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs S A
Dickinson and Mrs L Eaton


The Council considered a Notice of Motion submitted by the Mayor in the following

“this Council deplores the use of 0844 and other premium rate telephone numbers
used by some of the local NHS medical practices in the Borough (causing additional
and unnecessary expense to patients, whilst at the same time being a source of
income to the medical practice). It calls for the local Primary Care Trust (PCT) to use
its powers and influence to bring an end to this disgraceful practice.

Officers are asked to write to their local PCT in the terms above and to ask their local
Member of Parliament to take this up with the appropriate Government Ministers and
to draw this to the attention of the Liberal Democrat Shadow Health Spokesperson and
the Local Government Association’. The Mayor then spoke in support of this motion
and read out to the meeting an article which formed part of a petition being sent to 10
Downing Street.”

The Mayor moved the motion, which was duly seconded by Councillor J W Boyce.

(1) The motion be agreed;
(2) If a negative response is received, then this
matter be placed before the Council’s
Overview and Scrutiny Panel for
consideration, and;
(3) This Council also write to Leicestershire
County Council to take up this matter as well.


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The Forum Ghost of NonGeographicalMan<b
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Re: NEG propaganda
Reply #536 - Apr 24th, 2008 at 7:10am
I note that just like Mole Valley District Council in Surrey Oadby and Wigston Borough Council only uses geographic telephone numbers for its residents and council taxpayers to get in touch with it. Smiley Smiley Smiley
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« Last Edit: Apr 24th, 2008 at 7:12am by NGMsGhost »  

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Re: NEG propaganda
Reply #537 - Apr 25th, 2008 at 9:58pm

Sickening price of call to GP
Apr 25 2008 By Alison Dayani

CAMPAIGNERS fighting to stop expensive 0844 phone numbers being used by GP surgeries have rapped Birmingham health bosses for dragging their feet.

In December 2006 the Department of Health criticised the use of the numbers, which cost a higher fee of 5p a minute, saying patients should not be "exploited".

Birmingham-born campaigner David Hickson, who previously led a campaign to stop companies making "silent" telemarketing calls, said he wanted more action, now.

"GPs must use the best technology and systems available to provide the best possible service to patients within their budget.

"Service improvements cannot be used as an excuse for departing from the fundamental principle that NHS services are provided free at the point of need."

The British Medical Association claims practices are able to deal with more calls, more efficiently through the 0844 number because it accesses more modern telecom systems.

A spokesman for Heart of Birmingham Primary Care Trust said: "We have received advice from the Department of Health on the use of 0844 and 0845 numbers.

"Patients should not be expected to pay more than the cost of a local call. But patients will find one number change easier to handle than two in short order so we have not yet insisted that services act on this guidance."

Surgeries that use 0844 phone numbers in Birmingham and north Solihull include Fairway Surgery, Bordesley Green East, Yardley; Karis Medical Centre, Waterworks Road, Edgbaston; Tudor Practice, Tamworth Road, Sutton Coldfield; Kingshurst Medical Practice, Gilson Way, Kingshurst; Craig Croft Medical Centre, Castle Bromwich; Soho Health Centre, Louise Road, Handsworth; City Road Medical Centre, Edgbaston; Fernley Medical Centre, Stratford Road, Sparkhill; Enki Medical Practice, Terrace Road, Handsworth; Hobmoor Road Surgery, Yardley.
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aka NHS.Patient, DH_fairtelecoms

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Re: NEG propaganda
Reply #538 - Apr 25th, 2008 at 10:39pm
idb wrote on Apr 25th, 2008 at 9:58pm:
Sickening price of call to GP

I understand that this article was written from text of email messages to local PCT Chief Executives and from available briefing material, without explicit consent to the text or the use of names.

The version in the printed edition is slightly different, with the "Service improvements cannot be used as an excuse" point set nicely as a response to the (predicted) comment from the BMA. A further point is made by the PCTs, suggesting that they need to pressured by those whom they serve to apply the guidance which they have so far chosen to disregard.

Campaigners currently living in the Birmingham area please note. As the Prime Minister recently reminded us, we no longer have a national National Health Service. Issues that are identical throughout the UK are decided locally, for no good reason.
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Re: NEG propaganda
Reply #539 - Apr 26th, 2008 at 7:39am
SilentCallsVictim wrote on Apr 25th, 2008 at 10:39pm:
As the Prime Minister recently reminded us, we no longer have a national National Health Service. Issues that are identical throughout the UK are decided locally, for no good reason.

Surely the good reason is so that the Prime Minister and his colleagues can then deny any direct ministerial responsibility for any inadequacies in the locally provided service. Roll Eyes
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