GraemeP2 wrote on Oct 18
th, 2006 at 11:51am:
... At that time, I only had the name and number.
I must be stupid, but why do you need to know why I need to contact them?
How do you think that alternative numbers are found? With requests that provide little information, it is as though the requestor thinks that there is a magical spell that we cast to find them. It's pure detective work.
As for the why bit, I wrote that because people just ask for an alternative number to an 0870 and give us no clues as to what it was and why they wanted to contact them. For example, there has been a spate of missed calls from these numbers, and by only giving the 0870 and not stating that the number was obtained via a missed call, the requestor is leaving it up to those on here who help out to find that information out. It's a bit like the requestor is making this a guessing game, where they hold information which they have not disclosed which may help to find the number. Of the "Who? What? Where? Why?" all may not be applicable.
Your request didn't say what "School Link" is. To find an alternative, a someone will have to find this information out, information which you hold.
Quote:You've yet to explain how this number did not appear in my search on Monday night, but only appeared in the unverified list. But when you panned me for not looking properly the situation is reversed.
So my question remains, how long does it take for an unverified number to become verified? Although I don't particularly care about the answer any more.
This question has been asked
It's a bit like asking how long's a piece of string really. There are that many entries in the unverified database that they are not verified in any particular order. Numbers may be verified after a request, such as yours. I presume that this is what happened here and why the number now appears in the verified.
How come you are now GraemeP2?