bbb_uk wrote on Nov 5
th, 2006 at 5:56pm:
It seems to me that competition really doesn't exist in Jersey at all if you ask me. Looking at the website in a previous post, JerseyTelecom charge a lot for linerental and still have expensive calls anyhow.
And competition on line rental cost doesn't really seem to exist in the UK mainland either if you live outside a cable tv area. Basically because of what BT wholesale charges its rivals you have to pay about £140 a year to keep the copper wire to your house connected so you can they pay extra to get broadband even if you take your line rental and phone calls from a competitor and even if you never make a single phone call using the PSTN. Compare this with gas and electricity where there are plenty of plans with no standing charge which must work fantastically for those with small beach houses or tiny country cottages only used for a few weeks each year.
There was supposed to be cheaper line rental on something called naked DSL where you just had the copper wire for broadband and no phone service if you didn't need an old fashioned phone service but good old Ofcom decided that wasn't necessary. Another case of keeping their old mates BT in their jobs till they start drawing their comfortable pensions I fear.
If the service also has an 0808 cable access number then I would also try setting up an account with them and giving it a bash as they are now the cheapest of these three Finarea brands for UK calls. All the 1899 or 18185 code actually does is ring the Freephone number as I understand it and uk freephone numbers do also appear to be free from Jersey, unless of course Jersey telecom is allowed to bar certain 0800 or 0808 numbers that it identifies as access numbers for rival telecoms companies. This was long a trick of Orange when they used to provide 0800 numbers free of charge to their contract mobile phone customers.
Might be worth a call to the Jersey Telecoms regulator to discuss the whole thing with them in more detail.