I am Ian Tester, Head of Marketing at findmypast. We have noted the comments on this useful site and, you will be happy to know, abandoned the use of the 0870 number.
It was introduced with the best of intentions - i.e we thought it easier to remember than our direct number (we used to be called 1837online so we picked an 0870 with 1837 in it). It never made any money for us as we actually pick up our telephones to customers as quickly as we can rather than keeping them on hold.
At findmypast we personally get incredibly annoyed at sitting on so-called helplines for hours whilst companies make a profit out of our misery and we don't intend to be part of that 0870 club. We actually rather like our customers and actively encourage them to call us and we're happy to provide them with a reasonably-priced way of doing this.
Anyhow, I am happpy to confirm our number as 020 7549 0990 (International +44 20 7549 0990) and to assure all users that we will publish this proactively (we are changing all our emails at the moment to include the number which we hope is another step in the right direction).
We hope this goes a little way towards redressing the balance!
Ian Tester (ian.tester@findmypast.com, 020 7549 0957)
P.S Keep up the good work on this site - I shall certainly be using it (moving house at the moment and so far £6+ spent on 0845/0870 phone calls to "utility" companies to change address!!!)