say_what wrote on Nov 30
th, 2006 at 5:31pm:
Hi, I'm new here (as you can see)
I found this website rather usefull to look for different numbers.
I think it is a disgrace that you have published a web site that tries to do away with non geographical numbers, and tries to push people to find a normal telephone number for the service they require (and a great idea for this site, has help me out already, but at the same breath having adds that advertise the selling and provisions of said numbers, and no doubt gaining a revenue stream from the same.
What a Hypercritical way to behave. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
So one minute you find the site useful to look for alternatives for 084/7 numbers which implies you know they are a scam and cost you extra and don't want to call them and pay the extra cost. The next minute you say it is a disgrace we are trying to do away with 084/7 numbers and the valuable revenue stream you gain from them. Talk about illogical, irrational and contradictory.
We are quite happy to see the NGN system retained as a technology but what we want is for all normal NGN calls with no added value element (added value being sex chat line or legal advice line on the whole as these were never previously delivered by phone before NGNs and would not exist without the revenue share) to use the new 0370 prefix where the call centre operator pays for any valued added call routing features that they and not the customer derive the benefit from. These calls will then be charged as per 01/02 calls and included in inclusive calling plans. And all premium rate numbers involving revenue share of any kind should be on 09 with compulsory call price announcements of the rate per minute and the amount going to the company or their telco provider that is not involved in paying for the call. Of course your friends at Ofcom are going to allow the whole scam inudstry to carry on unbridled though on 0844, 0845 and 0871 as they are in the pockets of the scammers like yourselves.
This despicable industry has only flourished because it has been built on deceit and untruths about the cost of the calls.
In the free enterprise USA where anti trust laws stop cartel like anti competitive behaviour of the 084/7 kind and require full price disclosure 0800 numbers for customer contact are the norm
To paint us the campaigners as unreasonable is outrageous. It shows how effective our campaign now is that you the scammers who now like to pose as ordinary consumers on this website acctually think it is worth making posts.
As to the Grab A Grand Scam ad on this site I agree it is inappropriate in the context of this site because it has the same morals of the gutter as 09 quiz shows like The Mint. However the owner of the site Daniel is content to leave it there and he claims that the income he derives from this banner ad and others does not exceed his costs in running the site. As Daniel's business is a private company and does not have publicly available accounts we will obviously have to take his word on that point.
Clearly Grab A Grand must pay a lot more per hit than any other link Daniel could put on the site as in view of the criticism he has received over it if there was an equally profitable but less ethically objectionable link he could use I'm sure he would have done it by now.
By the way if you only like looking up alternative numbers even though strangely in the next breath you claim we want to get something for nothing (if this is how you feel then why are you doing it) then don't read the forum and just use the alternative numbers facility.