I remember quickly scanning through Ofcom's response to their consultation on CA (Conditional Access) and I get the impression that in most cases come January 2007, some of the expensive rates that Sky charge these TV channels are likely to be reduced. I actually read that Sky when they advertise their product, can claim some of the cost involved in making/showing the adverts back from tv channels themselves simply because these channels could also gain more viewers. Personally, I think Sky's adverts about its products are advertised purely for their own use to get more customers and not so much for the TV channels as well but the channel owners are still nontheless expected to contribute towards Sky's cost of making/showing the adverts.
Don't you just love how fair Ofcom is?
Anyhow back to the thread, going by the responses by ITV and Five, they both agreed that on this occasion it would be ok for Sky to announce their new prices (I assume they hope it will be cheaper for them) that take effect on January 2007.
Actually, when I first read that consultation when it was out, it was worded to me at least, that Sky could at any time in the future change prices without any kind of advance notice like the 90 days they have to give now. Looking at the response from Five, they also picked up on this and queried this with Ofcom so now Sky have been given the all-clear on their new (and I'm guessing meant to be fairer) prices to begin from January 2007. All other price changes after this date, is again subject to 90 days notice (which wasn't clear in Ofcom's original consultation wording).