Posts: 18
Whilst any protest against the fundamentally unfair NGDs has my support, the point seems to be being missed. Surely the point is that in these days of PDA's, mobile phones, and even home phones having significant number memories, not to mention the fact that, for the most part, our species can still read and write numbers, the argumant for a 'single, memorable number becomes invalid. The only reason I can perceive for using a NGD is to generate additional income for the provider and user. This is a cheap shot in itself, and bad enough when the companies using them make it clear what the call charges are. However, the real nastiness comes about when they are used as a means of funding 'free' helplines or other neccessary or unavoidable resources. I would encourage EVERYONE to spread the word join this petition. Whilst the road pricing one seems to have done little good, this, I think, is a different issue and one where enough pressure can be brought to bear on the rule makers to get something done.