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SayNoTo0870.com E-Petition (Read 213,043 times)
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SayNoTo0870.com E-Petition
Jan 10th, 2007 at 2:04pm
While watching the BBC news today, I saw the item about the large number of people who had signed the 10 Downing Street website e-petition against road pricing and the interview with the originator of the petition.   This made me wonder whether it would be an idea for someone from this site, perhaps the moderator or someone else with a high level of knowledge, to start a petition against NGNs and requiring all users of NGNs to provide, be law, a geographical alternative number with equal prominence.   If the petition took off, not only would it help in terms of showing the large number of people who find the current situation unnacceptable but could lead to media interviews with the petition originator (hence it would have to be someone knowledgeable and happy to have the publicity) hence giving more publicity to the campaign leading to more signatures.   If one Google's on 10 Downing Street, there is a link to create a new petition.   I have to say I did sign a couple of the existing petitions while checking the site and the promised email link on which you have to click to validate your signing does not come back immediately but thought this might be worth a try.  What does everyone else think?

~Edited by bbb_uk: Amended title
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« Last Edit: Jan 10th, 2007 at 4:21pm by bbb_uk »  
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Re: How about an E Petition?
Reply #1 - Jan 10th, 2007 at 2:20pm
I've just checked for an existing e-petition now and found one here.

It was started by a Mark Harrison and even has a link to this website.

I'm unsure who this, I assume, forum member is.

Although I agree with the reason for the petition, I don't believe that anything will ever be done simply because the Government is very unlikely to insist that companies display their alternative number.  However, if it were Government-funded bodies like surgeries, DVLA, schools, etc then that is different to which the government does have an overall say on.
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« Last Edit: Jan 10th, 2007 at 4:20pm by bbb_uk »  
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Re: How about an E Petition?
Reply #2 - Jan 10th, 2007 at 2:31pm
Thanks for that, I have just accessed & signed the existing petition hence that should now be 31 signatories!   The road pricing one has over 190,000 signatories hence my point.   While it may well be that the government will not listen, at least a large number signing the petition would send a message to users of NGNs that those opposed to their use are not just a handful of lunatics but a significant number of citizens.   I intend to encourage all those I know who are opposed to NGNs to sign and I think it would be good if members/users of this site did so as well.
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Re: How about an E Petition?
Reply #3 - Jan 10th, 2007 at 2:32pm
Let's get everyone to sign anyway!
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Re: SayNoTo0870.com E-Petition
Reply #4 - Jan 10th, 2007 at 2:40pm
bbb_uk wrote on Jan 10th, 2007 at 2:20pm:
I've just checked for an existing e-petition now and found one here.

It was started by a Mark Harrison and even has a link to this website.

Thanks to Mr Harrison for starting this. If you are a regular member who wishes to remain anonymous on here, then perhaps you can re-register for the purposes of posting on this thread and discussing the E-Petition.

Mentioning it on here and MSE will obviously mean more people signing it. I checked a few months ago and it wasn't there. There is also no date of publication either.

I think that it's an excellent idea. We managed over 1000 public responses to one of Ofcom's consultations, so with about three months to go, there's potential to rally the troops.
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« Last Edit: Jan 10th, 2007 at 4:21pm by bbb_uk »  
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Re: SayNoTo0870.com E-Petition
Reply #5 - Jan 10th, 2007 at 6:41pm
Sorry to be an old cynic, but over a million people marched against the Iraq war,and what difference did it make?

The same thing about this petition , too many vested intrests would be out of pocket, so it will be ignored.
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Re: SayNoTo0870.com E-Petition
Reply #6 - Jan 10th, 2007 at 6:54pm
jimjim wrote on Jan 10th, 2007 at 6:41pm:
Sorry to be an old cynic, but over a million people marched against the Iraq war,and what difference did it make?

The same thing about this petition , too many vested intrests would be out of pocket, so it will be ignored.

With the Iraq war, the public are likely to vote for a different party if they don't agree with it. With media publicity behind the Say no to 0870 campaign people will visit this website and use alternative numbers. This petition should get the media interested if we get enough signatures, even if the government do nothing. The media is key in making people aware.

~ Edited by Dave: Link on quote box updated
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« Last Edit: Feb 3rd, 2007 at 5:17pm by Dave »  
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Re: SayNoTo0870.com E-Petition
Reply #7 - Jan 10th, 2007 at 7:22pm
It might help the cause more if the petition details were made more accurate and clearer. At the present time it says this.Which gives the impression you can get FREE calls to Geo Numbers etc etc.

"Many organizations hide behind 0870 / 0845 numbers which are charged at up to 8p/min (earning revenue for the organization while the customer is kept on hold) - whereas most people could use the real geographic UK phone number to contact he organization much more economically, since a number of phone providers now charge 0p/minute for calls at any time of day - and just a small flat rate connection charge of around 5p for calls up to an hour."

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« Last Edit: Jan 10th, 2007 at 7:25pm by acezing »  
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Re: SayNoTo0870.com E-Petition
Reply #8 - Jan 10th, 2007 at 8:43pm
Can this petition not be advertised with link for everyone to see when we log onto the site. After all it only takes a few minutes to sign the petition and I noted that when I logged in there were only 5 members but 45 guests. If we can get many of the guest to sign it that would be great.

It was suggested it would be a waste of time, but the time invested is minute - certainly a lot less than writing this or any other post!

Lets go for it.
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Re: SayNoTo0870.com E-Petition
Reply #9 - Jan 10th, 2007 at 9:34pm
Great Idea, GET A HUGE AD ON HOME PAGE!!! lol

I am really disappointed.... not many signatures is it???

Come on everyone, get your name and anyone else you know on this list...

Current signatoriesMark Harrison, the Petition Creator, joined by:

christopher hughes
Andrew Cormie
Howard Smith
Tim Evans
andy barton
Russell Stagg
Owen Blacker
Mark Benjamin
A Vaghela
Philip Chillag
Julian Holliday
Alex Bailey
Andrew Gilbert
Judith Johnson
James Sutherland
Paul Brant
Peter D Gardner
David Anderson
Gareth Lewis
David Willingham
sally north
Hugh Hulme
J M Briscoe
Brian Varney
C Woods
Michael Gathergood
nick irvine-fortescue
Lorian Hartgroves
Samantha O'Keeffe
Barbara Chamberlain
Keith Hammond
Steven Abrams
Peter Farres
Ian Keith Scott
Laurie Hudson
Jake booth
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The Forum Ghost of NonGeographicalMan<b
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Re: SayNoTo0870.com E-Petition
Reply #10 - Jan 11th, 2007 at 9:44am
acezing wrote on Jan 10th, 2007 at 7:22pm:
It might help the cause more if the petition details were made more accurate and clearer. At the present time it says this.Which gives the impression you can get FREE calls to Geo Numbers etc etc.

But you can get free calls to 01/02 numbers (in terms of the marginal additional cost of making that call) - that is the whole point.

Ok you have to pay a modest fixed monthly fee equal to as little as £4.33 per month over 18 months (www.euphony.co.uk) to get unlimited 01/02 and EU landline calls but the marginal cost of making each additional 01/02 call is nil.  That is where various people have been going wrong with the press by suggesting it is 3p per minute for an 01/02 call versus BT's new sneaky 7p per minute (with hidden new 3p connection charge).  But that is only true for BT Option 1 customers - but for customers of BT Option 3 or a cheaper package like Euphony the cost of each additional 01/02 call is 0p per minute versus £4.23 per hour to 0870 and £6.00 per hour to 0871 and £1.80 per hour to 0845 in the weekday daytime.

Coming back to the petition I imagine the road toll one got 180,000 signatures due to Jeremy Clarkson or some other major motoring journalist mentioning its existence in their newspaper column or on their website.

~ Edited by Dave: Link on quote box updated
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« Last Edit: Feb 3rd, 2007 at 5:18pm by Dave »  

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Re: SayNoTo0870.com E-Petition
Reply #11 - Jan 12th, 2007 at 4:15pm
The description on the site might not be perfect, but let's not waste this opportunity - It is good enough.

I notice since it has been highlighted that the signatures have gone up from 32 to 52, but if we are going to make a real impact we need all those who use this site just to look up numbers and who don't go into the discussion session to know about this. They out number us by a huge amount. At any one time it is often 10 - 1 and as we are regulars and they are not they are probably more varied so the ratio is probably even greater i.e. it is often many of the same members that are on at two different times, but probably completely different guests.

Can a BIG BIG message be put up that everyone sees as soon as they enter the site please. The sooner the greater the number of signatures on the petition.
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The Forum Ghost of NonGeographicalMan<b
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Re: SayNoTo0870.com E-Petition
Reply #12 - Jan 12th, 2007 at 4:46pm
52 signatories is nothing and can afford to be lost.

If the message is not right in the petition we need to make it right by creating our own petition with the right wording and then put a link to the petition on the Home Page of the site and in the number lookup section.
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Re: SayNoTo0870.com E-Petition
Reply #13 - Jan 25th, 2007 at 1:32am
Amazingly, I found out about that petition not through this site, which I visit frequently, but directly through browsing the Government web site, in regards to another petition.  Why has this petition not been made a sticky topic on this board?   Huh

I feel for all www.saynoto0870.com's work in maintaining and updating an excellent database, that the campaigning side for this site (which I believe the site was set up - at least partially - to address) - requires more effort in getting the message out to people. 

This information really should be displayed when searching for an address - perhaps via a 5 second message asking the user to join the campaign by signing the petition.  The saynoto0870 search facility is used by many people a day, and could be conveyed to users who don't use, aren't aware of, or haven't got time to browse the forums, as a means and way of supporting the purpose for which the website was created.
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Re: SayNoTo0870.com E-Petition
Reply #14 - Jan 25th, 2007 at 9:11am
Strongly agree. Have suggested it myself here. It is noticeable that it is quite easy to get into the top few petitions on the petition web site and make an impact.

Also I made the point that for everyone of us that posts to this site hundreds use it to look up numbers who will not see this thread so with a prominent message on coming into the site we should be able to get the petition into hundreds if not thousands.

Please do it.
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