bbb_uk wrote on Jan 11
th, 2007 at 10:48pm:
Remember that for most of the time companies and gov departments aren't aware of the difference or that it's misleading, etc. Why should they when most teleco's selling these numbers are still allowed to say that they're either local or national rate? This is due to Ofcom and their lack of wanting to do anything.
Sorry bbb but there is absolutely no excuse for the
Information Commissioner's Office
of all places to get this kind of thing wrong. The Information Commissioner's Office is all about companies disclosing correct information so what hope if it can't do it for itself!
The strange thing is that I have been to the ICO's website quite a lot over the last 18 months and up to now they have always only ever quoted a geographic 01 number and no other number. And I had always thought this was because they realised the public perception harm of using anything other than a geographic number for their office.
So it is extremely hard to believe that at this point in time they should be conned into signing up for a new 0845 number. But has some numpty new website manager there come across the old number that was long ago deleted and had it relisted?
Sorry bbb but the ICO getting this wrong is only one away from Ofcom getting it wrong as one of the ICO's main jobs is to control illegal selling activities by making phone calls to people who are TPS registered etc.
Oh and the main people to write to are:- - Information Commissioner - Comms & External Relations - Chief Operating Officer
You might also like to quote to them all these references including the one from the CEO of BT Retail, Ian Livingston, showing why 084/7 numbers are not Local/National rate and are a scam that in his view discredit telecoms companies.
The view of a county council trading standards department
Para 1.3 Page 1 of and
the view of the CEO of BT Retail, Ian Livingston and
two recent guidances from the Advertising Standards Authority on.htm and
the Parliamentary Early Day motion deploring the use of 0870 telephone numbers by government departments; amp;SESSION=875
Another guidance from the Committee of Advertising Practice of the Advertising Standards Authority and Pages 5 and 6 of the below minutes from my own district council where we agreed policy to stop the future use of 0845 and 0870 numbers. And the most recent ASA guidance saying that Inclusive call packages must not fail to disclose that 084/7 calls are excluded from them.