bbb_uk wrote on Feb 6
th, 2007 at 6:56pm:
Webmail from hotmail, yahoo (and I assume google) offers the facility to block images which would also prevent the MSGTAG from working as intended.
Basically, due to the ever increasing rate of spam, services like MSGTAG are becoming redudant due to default settings of NOT displaying images within emails received.
The way to look at it is unless you receive an email saying it was undelivered then the person/company has received the email but it may not always be possible to know when it was read.
These services may well provide the facility not to display images but many users don't enable it because it deprives them of crucial content from legitimate email senders. Norton Antispam gave me the facility not to display images in emails but I had to turn it off as it was so inconvenient.
Another way to loook at MSGTAG is that its a permanently free service (for the basic service which seems to offer eveyrything you need) and increases the number of confirmed email receipts above using just Read Receipt. I frequently have to use likely email addresses for senior management in organisations that I am trying to get action from and often the junior customer service staff will not provide me with those email addresses. Therefore anything which is free and increases the total number of read receipts I get has to be a bonus.
The way I look at it is that if I don't have a read receipt I have no guarantee a message has been read as there are loads of email servers that don't bounce messages for non-existent or closed email accounts.