I didn't feel that the Cheap Call Provider section was an appropriate place for this correspondence so here goes with the two emails I have just sent to Ric Francis, MD of Post Office HomePhone. This is complaining about a quite outrageous £4.20 flat rate fee I have been charged for being connected by the BT Operator when a call to my sister kept routing to the number of another phone subscriber altogether. BT have never charged such fees to their own customers in these circumstances, I was not advised there would be such a fee and even more incredibly the fee is not published on the Post Office Homphone's main call charges page or in the three PDF documents containing more esoteric charges that can be downloaded from those pages.
In other words another blatant example of Ofcom's total and utter impotence in ensuring that the phone customer knows about the cost of goods and services he is buying before he buys them and/or another example of anticompetitive behaviour by BT to try to scupper the other activities of other WLR phone call providers.
Incredibly on this bill they have also now tried to charge me for a series of calls to 0845 numbers that I made in the previous billing quarter using the 1280 BT override code that they choose to allow me to use. And whilst it is perhaps understandable that these calls have taken a while to filter back from BT to the PostOffice the most outrageous aspect is that I have been billed not at BT's lower rate for 0845 and 0870 calls but at the Post Office HomePhone's 10% or more higher rates. But I was routing my calls with the PostOffice so naturally would expect the BT charge to apply if that access route is permitted.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 06 February 2007 22:02
To: ric.francis@postoffice.co.uk
Cc: steve.morris@postoffice.co.uk
Subject: PO HomePhone £4.20 Operator Call Connection Charge & Other Post Office HomePhone WLR Overcharging Issues
Dear Mr Francis,
Latest PO Homephone Bill
Having been a customer with Post Office HomePhone since last April I am now compelled to write to you regarding a number of policy based issues in connection with my latest Post Office HomePhone bill dated 4th January. I tried to take this up with a couple of your customer service advisers tonight but they were totally unable to help me on the points raised and could not guarantee a call back from a supervisor that I requested for "at least 48 hours". There was however apparently no upper end to how long I might have to wait to be called back by your supervisor at a time that would no doubt prove to be highly inconvenient to me.
My issues with my latest bill are as follows:-
1. Operator Connected call charged at £4.20 (including VAT) on 3rd January
I want to protest in the strongest possible terms about this charge, which your staff were totally unhelpful about by telling me merely that "you're not with BT now" when I complained that BT would not have levied a charge for this operator connected call had I still been a BT customer.
The call in question was at 9.34 am on January 3rd and occurred after I had made a number of unsuccessful attempts to call my sister on 01xxx xxxxx, first using my indirect access service with
www.18185.co.uk on 1818501xxxxxxxxx, secondly using Post Office Homephone on 01xxxxxxxxx and thirdly via BT using 128001xxxxxxxx. In each case the call was not answered by my sister's line but by an unknown answerphone with a man's voice on it (not my sister's husband) and not my sister's normal answerphone as she uses a chip based automated announcement from the manufacturer. As it was obvious the call was misrouting I called the operator on 100 (I believe this is the BT Operator as PostOffice HomePhone does not have its own Operator). The Operator tried the number and told me it was ringing normally and when connected it proved to be my sister's normal Answerphone and not the Answerphone of the unknown third party. I hung up a few seconds later after leaving a message.
I am very familiar with BT's normal policy on operator connected calls and that is that where the customer has to use the service due to a network fault they only charge the normal per minute call rate and do not charge the higher operator connected rate. If BT had ever charged me £4.20 (including VAT which you go out of your way to add only at the end of the bill in apparent contravention of trading standards rules about only using VAT inclusive pricing with retail customers) to connect a call via the operator you can rest assured that I would never use the operator again in such a situation. Also there was no announcement on the line that the operator connection fee would be levied. This is a totally unacceptable situation and if you will not refund this fee I wish to become deadlocked over it with Royal Mail group and escalate the matter for review to the telecoms ombudsman service -