The scammers have spoken again. With NTL in the chair, there really is no hope for the consumer. The rip-off marches on and on! item (1) - Introductions
Andrew Wileman
Ntl:Telewest (Chair)
Marcus Rudkin
Rob Day
Sean Hartley
Justin Hornby
Cable & Wireless
Laurent Pariat
Cable & Wireless
Andrew Monk
Carphone Warehouse
Toby Higho
Will Goodall
Happy (I'm sure he's very happy with Ofcom's light touch)
Tom Cairns
Simon Kelly
Andy Martin
IV Response
Lesa Green
Kingston Communications
Geoff Brighton
Gareth Davies
Clive Hillier
Colin Scott
Michael Barford
Ann e McCardle
Verizon Business (Does this mean that the Americans are looking at how the UK "regulator" allows premium rate scamming for day-to-day calls? I hope not. ANyway the public here would not tolerate the rip-off that Ofcom perpetuates.)
Agenda Item (2): Review of minutes of previous meeting
No comments/concerns were raised. It was therefore agreed that the minutes could be published on the Ofcom website.
Agenda (3): Update/progress report on the current 'live' NTS related consultations/investigations: (Ofcom/All)
Sexual Entertainment Services consultation
Geoff Brighton advised that Ofcom intended to publish a Statement by the end of February 2007. Geoff added that six responses to the consultation had been received and had been posted on the Ofcom website in the usual way.
Review of Regulation of Premium Rate Services
Clive Hillier advised that the terms of reference for the PRS review had been published on the Ofcom website. The URL for the TOR had been communicated via the usual Ofcom channels, but Clive agreed to confirm it for members of the NTSFG. (Post meeting note: URL confirmed as: NCCN 500 investigation/NTS call termination market review
Gareth Davies apologised for the continued delay and added that Ofcom was intending to distribute a draft decision to the parties involved in the dispute by the end of February 2007. Colin Scott said that a number of CPs additional to the parties to the dispute would be interested in the outcome, and sought clarity around any confidentially obligations applying to the initial release of the draft decision. Gareth said that in initially publishing only to the parties to the dispute, Ofcom was simply respecting the confidence of those parties. He agreed to check whether the draft document could be shared with others at that stage.
Andrew Wileman asked what the duration between publication to the specific parties and public availability would be. Gareth said that this would typically be a few weeks – the specific parties would be given a reasonable time to comment on the draft decision before it was made public/published in its final form
The call termination market review remains on hold, pending the outcome of the NCCN 500 investigation.
ICSTIS progress re. Governance of 0871
Clive Hillier confirmed that the ICSTIS consultation document was due to be published in the spring of 2007, once ICSTIS had taken into account input to its pre-consultation activity.
General Condition 14 Enforcement Programme
Clive Hillier advised that the Ofcom investigation was continuing. The outcome/form of any conclusion will depend on Ofcom’s findings (it could for example be a statement, an enforcement notice etc…). Several attendees sought clarity around the scope of the investigation – in particular the question of whether Ofcom was considering just those CPs suspected of non-compliance, or if a general evaluation of all CPs was taking place. Clive explained that Ofcom had sought information from a selection of the larger fixed and all the mobile OCPs but not because any had been identified as potential offenders.
BT POLO Dispute ( 1 st October 2006 OCCNs)
Attendees were advised that BT’s dispute referral had been rejected by Ofcom. As such no formal regulatory dispute currently existed. BT had, however, submitted further information to Ofcom, which Ofcom was in the process of considering.