Subscription line for this magazine is 0871 2770067 and I get totally sick of hearing how important my call is to them whilst I'm waiting in the queue. I bet it is earning 10p every minute they keep me hanging on!
It's been over a month since they've had my money and still no sign of the issues to bring my daughter's collection up to date. They claim they would have sent a reminder that the subscription needed renewing, but we didn't get any such communication.
The last time I phoned them to complain I hung on until I got to the front of the queue, only to have the ringing tone cut out, replaced with that damned music again and to be told I was further back in the queue than when I first joined. No sincerity to the 'apology' I got about that and certainly no offer to compensate me for the £1 it cost just to get nowhere in their system!
My daughter has been very patient and I suppose I ought to bite the bullet and phone again about the continued non-appearance of the magazines, but I'm loath to do so whilst I am being forced to pay just to complain about their poor service.
The magazine is published by GE Fabbri Ltd, Convent Garden, London. The Back Issues can be ordered from a company called Database Factory Ltd, Ringwood, Hants. But there's no clue as to which company handles the telephone subscription service.
Can anyone help?