Fabian wrote on Jun 22
nd, 2007 at 6:38pm:
I've woken from my torpor as a result of the mass (e-)mailout for which I am grateful. I've tried to navigate the ICSTIS site but it is even more baffling than the Ofcom one.
What I am looking for is the responses if they are published. Does anyone know how to get to them?
Hello Fabian,
Its good to hear from you and a post from you on this site is indeed a rare pleasure despite the sterling service you put in on behalf of this campaign when you attended the meeting at Ofcom.
In answer to your question the little blighters at ICSTIS do their very best to hide the responses to their consultations but they can be found at the link below for previous consultations where you can find my own very strong opposition to their earlier pre-consultation on the 0871 matter. Not of course that they listened being entirely in the pockets of the call centre industry. Here is the link:-
www.icstis.org.uk/service_providers/responsestoconsultations/default.aspUnfortunately though the policy of ICSTIS seems to be not to publish responses to consultations until after they have closed and even then not for several weeks. If you object to this as I do perhaps you would like to email their top brass with your views. These can be found at:-
www.icstis.org.uk/about/icstis/executive/directors.aspYou might like to email the Chief Executive George Kidd, Director of Policy Paul Whiteing and Director of Standards & Communications Trays O'Reilly to express your displeasure at the non publication of responses received while the consultation is still open.
The key think Fabian is to ignore their questionnaire and just read the 0871 document and then object to the things in it you feel are wrong.
If you respond to the questionnaire then you will be playing their game by only responding on what they want to hear about while missing many of the key issues.
I look forward to reading your response to the 0871 consultation on the ICSTIS website in due course.