Seems like the highly competent ICSTS/PhoneScamPlus cannot even adhere to confidentiality requests from respondents:
RESPONSE TO 0871 SERVICES: AN ICSTIS CONSULTATION detail is provided in our response, which we would request is kept
CONFIDENTIAL.Assuming this is in fact the confidential response, whatever the meaning of 'confidential' in this context:
CONFIDENTIALReality Telecom Response to 0871 Services: An ICSTIS Consultation.
We welcome the opportunity to respond to the ICSTIS consultation on 0871
services. Reality Telecom provides inbound call numbers to thousands of small and
medium businesses in the UK under the Call Navigator brand. A brief summary of
our main points is shown below, followed by more detailed responses to individual
questions raised in the consultation.
Please note that throughout our document we use the term information provider to
mean the provider of the content on the 0871 number. We are aware that ICSTIS
use the term ‘service provider’ to include the content provider, but we do this to
avoid confusion with intermediary sales channels who under current ICSTIS
definition are deemed to be service providers, even though they do not provide any