a very nice man
This could have helped
Memory4mobiles.co.uk 27 Old Glouster St (This spelling is from their own site) LONDON WC1 3XX
But maybe not, as there are about 150 companies registered there. It looks like an address you would get when buying a premade company from an "Exchange & Mart" ad. They are not there. It is not their address. Are they worth your trust?
From Whois Domain name memory4mobiles.co.uk
Registrant jonathan ruff
Registrant type UK Sole Trader
Registrant's address Memory4mobiles.co.uk, 27 Old Glouster St , london LONDON Greater London BL1 4PT United Kingdom
The postcode is for INVERLAEL AVENUE, Bolton
J Ruff, possibly not his name also owns memory4mobiles.com
Whois lookup for memory4mobiles.com
Registrant jonathan ruff 30 cromwell way penwortham preston, lancashire PR1 9SB
Looks like it's a new estate, it's on Google maps, but not Autoroute 2006 Domain name:MEMORY4MOBILES.COM
Administrative Contact ruff, jonathan jruff@hotmail.co.uk 30 cromwell way penwortham preston, lancashire PR1 9SB GB +44.8452026500
192 confirms that his name is Jonathan P Ruff, and both he and partner live in PR1 9SB
A previous address in UK Info, using his name gives the details Mr,Ruff,Jonathan,,,,,5,,Finney Park Drive,,,PR2 1QZ,Lea,Preston, 192 still has a listing for there, long with a directors report. They might still be using that address. Not a lot of other info available just yet.