Our colleague 'Sherbert' has reported, on another thread that "HORSHAM'S Courtyard Surgery is the latest in the town to switch to a new phone system" : ---
http://www.wscountytimes.co.uk/news/latest-surgery-switchover.3206046.jpLatest surgery switchoverHORSHAM'S Courtyard Surgery is the latest in the town to switch to a new phone system designed to make it easier for patients to contact their GP.
As of Tuesday September 25, the number that patients need to call will change to 0844 815 1157 .
Explaining the reasons for going ahead with the new system, despite negative reports in the local press, Janet Yeo, Practice Manager at Courtyard Surgery, said: "We are keen to stress to our patients that, despite what has been reported in some news articles, we will not be making a profit from our new phone system.
"It has been introduced solely to ease problems with call congestion.
"Call costs have also been exaggerated and misrepresented and we would like to assure our patients that it should cost them around the same to call the surgery with the new system.
Last Updated: 17 September 2007 9:22 AM
The Courtyard Surgery says this on the Practice website : ---
http://www.courtyardsurgery.com/Court_latest_news.htm"TELEPHONE SYSTEM
Courtyard Surgery is all set to switch to a high tech phone system in use at 1,200 surgeries across the UK on Tuesday 25th September 2007.
Surgery Line has been developed especially for doctors' surgeries and uses call automation as well as additional phone lines to tackle call congestion. The system includes a modern switch board with headsets, call recording facilities, and safety equipment for staff. The new numbers are charged at a lo-call rate, equivalent to BT's standard rate of 4.226 pence per minute (4.96 with Vat), making the cost of a 4minute call less than 20 pence.
To make the changeover as smooth as possible, any patients who dial the old number in error will hear a recording with details of the new number they need to call. Our new number, from Tuesday 25th September, will be 0844 815 1157. "
BT's standard rate is 4.226 pence per minute? Where did they get that? They are saying "Lo-call rate" yet again ignoring instructions from ASA Ofcom NHS etc.
"phone system in use at 1,200 surgeries across the UK " --- this is claimed by NEG but trawling the NHS website register of GP Practices only shows about 500 are using 0844!