The sad aspect of this is that Patientline could have been a viable business - there is clearly a demand for the type of service that Patientline offers, but it needs to be at a reasonable rate. A couple of quid a day for TV/Radio/Internet is not wholly unreasonable, and I have no fundamental issue with this being provided either by the private sector, or through a joint public/private initiative.
The negative headlines have largely, and quite rightly, focused on the extortionate incoming call charge - equivalent to $1/min for peak rate, which is clearly a ridiculous fee, yet Patientline has taken no action to correct this severe overcharging and hence has attracted all sorts of negative publicity.
I'm sure that this single issue has led to the near collapse of this entity.
I'm fairlly certain that it could have been a success if it had used 08 NGNs as its terminating numbers, thus achieving a revenue stream, rather than use the ludicrous 07 PN system that no one wants to call, at least after they have seen the first bill.
Its assets may well end up being sold to NEG, renaming the system HospitalLine (tm). Watch this space!