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PETITION to No. 10 - Prevent doctors using 0844 (Read 255,755 times)
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Re: PETITION to No. 10 - Prevent doctors using 084
Reply #105 - Apr 8th, 2008 at 3:11pm
I have just also received the same load of meaningless waffle from the 10 Downing Street website in response to my signature of the petition.  What an insult considering the number of signatures involved. Shocked Angry

They say:-

However, the message from the Department of Health has made it very clear to NHS organisations that patients should not be expected to pay more than the equivalent of a local call to contact their GPs.

I fear the problem is going to be with the definition of a local priced call and that BT and others are currently manipulating their call rates specifically to make the price of a daytime call to an 0844 doctors number and an 01/02 number for BT Option 1 customers much closer together.  Also note they are abolishing the 5.5p for one hour evening period in favour of per minute charge for geographic numbers to pay for "free" weekend calls.

Where they have more difficulty weedling out of it is on BT Option 3 or equivalents with other companies that huge numbers of phone customers are now on where 01/02/03 clearly has no marginal call cost and 0844 costs 5p per minute plus connection.  Ditto  on mobiles 0844s are never inlcuded in bundled minutes in calling plans.

I expect there will be some pathetic excuse made like these "discount plans" not being the standard price of a local call etc, etc.
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Re: PETITION to No. 10 - Prevent doctors using 084
Reply #106 - Apr 8th, 2008 at 3:13pm
SilentCallsVictim wrote on Apr 3rd, 2008 at 4:19pm:
A reply today would report that the Department of Health has undertaken an evidence gathering exercise which concluded three das ago. This is currently being considered and advice of the action that is to be taken is expected shortly.

Well it appears you were wrong SCV as the 10 Downing Street response makes no mention of the evidence presently being considered by the DH.
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Re: PETITION to No. 10 - Prevent doctors using 084
Reply #107 - Apr 8th, 2008 at 3:37pm

I fear the problem is going to be with the definition of a local priced call and that BT and others are currently manipulating their call rates specifically to make the price of a daytime call to an 0844 doctors number and an 01/02 number for BT Option 1 customers much closer together.  Also note they are abolishing the 5.5p for one hour evening period in favour of per minute charge for geographic numbers to pay for "free" weekend calls.

If you sign up for a year you get free evening calls as well (Up to an hour)
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Re: PETITION to No. 10 - Prevent doctors using 084
Reply #108 - Apr 8th, 2008 at 3:47pm
sherbert wrote on Apr 8th, 2008 at 3:37pm:
If you sign up for a year you get free evening calls as well (Up to an hour)

And OfCoN calls this competition rather than the incumbent abusing their dominant market position.

I wonder why BT has yet again increased the line rental to those of us who do not actually make any calls with them - could it possibly be so that we pay for their customers "free" weekend calls!  Also note this line rental increase then ripples through to all their competitors who supply WLR phone services products  Shocked Angry Angry Angry
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« Last Edit: Apr 8th, 2008 at 3:50pm by NGMsGhost »  

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Re: PETITION to No. 10 - Prevent doctors using 084
Reply #109 - Apr 8th, 2008 at 3:53pm
NGMsGhost wrote on Apr 8th, 2008 at 3:47pm:
sherbert wrote on Apr 8th, 2008 at 3:37pm:
If you sign up for a year you get free evening calls as well (Up to an hour)

And OfCoN calls this competition rather than the incumbent abusing their dominant market position. Shocked Angry Angry Angry

I have just become aware that the next step in this game is that these (for BT Together Opt2 at least) will now be "rolling" contracts whereby after the 12 months (or 18 months) the contract must either be renewed for 12 months or go elsewhere, or possibly they will allow you to step down to Option 1 and, yes you guessed it, even though it won't be a rolling contract, at that point you will have to sign up for 12 months.

See this thread on MSE:

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aka NHS.Patient, DH_fairtelecoms

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Reply #110 - Apr 8th, 2008 at 4:01pm
Heinz wrote on Apr 8th, 2008 at 3:01pm:
... a matter for the local National Health Service.[/b]

Is that the Health Service for the Nation of England, the Nation of London or the Nation of the Borough of Ealing?

Outside of Kingston upon Hull, does anybody know where in the UK telephone charges vary?
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aka NHS.Patient, DH_fairtelecoms

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Re: PETITION to No. 10 - Prevent doctors using 084
Reply #111 - Apr 8th, 2008 at 4:13pm
NGMsGhost wrote on Apr 8th, 2008 at 3:13pm:
Well it appears you were wrong SCV as the 10 Downing Street response makes no mention of the evidence presently being considered by the DH.

Indeed. It quotes the familiar re-iterated part of Mark Britnell's letter of 3 March but fails to refer to the fact that Britnell indicated that further guidance to PCTs may follow shortly.

There is a danger that this response may indicate that it is all over for now and we have to return to educating PCTs in a subject on which they are alleged to have specialist local knowledge. I believe that PCTs may be persuaded to demand something clearer to support the action they would need to take.
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Re: PETITION to No. 10 - Prevent doctors using 084
Reply #112 - Apr 8th, 2008 at 5:21pm
SilentCallsVictim wrote on Apr 8th, 2008 at 4:13pm:
There is a danger that this response may indicate that it is all over for now and we have to return to educating PCTs in a subject on which they are alleged to have specialist local knowledge. I believe that PCTs may be persuaded to demand something clearer to support the action they would need to take.

And I believe unscrupulous forces making hundreds of millions a year in the NTS industry have once again been at work lobbying their New Labour friends telling them how this vital "value added" industry cannot possibly be brought to an end.  They have no shame and no morals and so despite the fact that the game would appear to be up (given the level of Parliamentary lobbying and exposure the issue now has) they will attempt to keep their snouts in the trough for as long as possible using any underhanded techniques at their disposal.

Perhaps we should ask, Ian Livingston, the newly announced CEO designate of BT, if he plans to honour the views he expressed a little while ago in The Scotsman newspaper that 084/7 NTS number hidden premium rate charging should be got rid as soon as possible?  Conveniently I see that The Scotsman web page that carried this article no longer exists.  It seems New Labour's revisionists friends have once again been at work.  Shocked Angry Cry

EDIT:-  I see the Livingston article is still on The Scotsman website but the URL has changed:-

See http://business.scotsman.com/business/BT-calls-on-Ofcom-to.2642029.jp
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« Last Edit: Apr 8th, 2008 at 5:47pm by NGMsGhost »  

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The Forum Ghost of NonGeographicalMan<b
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Reply #113 - Apr 8th, 2008 at 5:31pm
SilentCallsVictim wrote on Apr 8th, 2008 at 4:01pm:
Outside of Kingston upon Hull, does anybody know where in the UK telephone charges vary?

So far as I am aware the numerous UK telecoms operators mainly all charge the same call prices for calls to all parts of the  UK even though each provider has their own varying car tariffs.  However the BT Light User Scheme and In Contact Plus charge artificially inflated prices for calls to 01/02 and 03 numbers for longer distance calls (over 56km) which they then discount back to a lower rate for calls to 0845 numbers.  Of course no one who makes any number of calls per quarter is on these plans, especially given that most outrageously of all you cannot have one of these plans if you also have broadband on the phone line.

The key point which the 084 NTS charlatans cannot avoid is that 01/02/03 numbers qualify for unlimited free calls (up to 60 minutes) with numerous major telecoms provides including BT on numerous popular tariffs and the same is true that they qualify for free bundled minutes with all contract mobile phone operators.  Whereas 084/7 numbers are always excluded from such plans because they are far more expensive to the phone companies at a wholesale level and so they cannot possibly afford to inlclude them in their unlimited calls or bundled minutes calling plans.

As a vast percentage of UK phone customers (especially elderly and disabled people based at home and thus making  lots of phone calls from home) now have unlimited call plans it is self evident that calling an 0844 number costs most of these people 5p per minute +6p connection compared to nothing per minute if the number began 01 and 02.

The comparison of 0844 against BT Option 1 is a red herring.  The comparison must be done against call plans that provide unlimited 01/02/03 calls from landlines or a set number of minutes to 01/02/03 from mobiles in order to give the true picture of the real cost of 0870.

Vodafone recently texted me to tell me that they are increasing the minimum call charge on my Pay As You Go tariff to 15p from 10p on June 1st (before that there was no minimum charge 18 months or so ago) but that is the last reminder I will ever get of that fact because as a Pay As You Go mobile phone customer Ofcom allows a regime to exist where I am not entitled to any access to itemised call charges, even online where there would be almost no marginal cost to Vodafone in providing the service. Shocked Angry
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« Last Edit: Apr 8th, 2008 at 5:33pm by NGMsGhost »  

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Reply #114 - Apr 8th, 2008 at 7:00pm
NGMsGhost wrote on Apr 8th, 2008 at 5:31pm:
As a vast percentage of UK phone customers (especially elderly and disabled people based at home and thus making  lots of phone calls from home) now have unlimited call plans...
It would be handy if we had or could get a figure on that.  I know it's not possible without asking all major telecos of which they probably wouldnt respond but a figure from BT as to how many of its customers are on an all-inclusive (ie not evening & weekend) plan.

Does anyone think they could possibly get this information from BT?
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The Forum Ghost of NonGeographicalMan<b
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Reply #115 - Apr 8th, 2008 at 7:18pm
bbb_uk wrote on Apr 8th, 2008 at 7:00pm:
Does anyone think they could possibly get this information from BT?

I think this needs to be the subject of an FOI to Ofcom, who I feel quite sure can put their hands on the requisite breakdown.

It also seems self evident that BT's latest marketing policies are designed to virtually blackmail all their customers to move on to a plan that includes some free calls.  This has been done by making the minimum connection charge on a non inclusive calls plan 80% higher than it was a year or so ago. Shocked Angry
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« Last Edit: Apr 8th, 2008 at 7:21pm by NGMsGhost »  

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Re: PETITION to No. 10 - Prevent doctors using 084
Reply #116 - Apr 14th, 2008 at 9:17am
Shouldn't the DofH reported by now on the use of 0844?

Still haven't had a reply from my PCT re the use of 0870 by Dr while abroad - have chased.
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Re: PETITION to No. 10 - Prevent doctors using 084
Reply #117 - May 14th, 2008 at 11:54am
I disagree with all stealth-tax (or stealth-revenue) numbers. To me, they are "premium-rate" numbers. Seems to me the Trades Description Act lost its teeth along the way.

Why not a petition to ban ALL public-sector and commercial usage, except for premium-rate services? Is there such a petition out there?

Can't see the point behind a piecemeal approach like just going after doctors.

SAYNOTO0870 website is awesome!!!

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Re: PETITION to No. 10 - Prevent doctors using 084
Reply #118 - May 15th, 2008 at 11:51am
[quote author=outvilespot link=1185566187/105#117 date=1210766058] Why not a petition to ban ALL public-sector and commercial usage, except for premium-rate services? Is there such a petition out there?

Can't see the point behind a piecemeal approach like just going after doctors. [/quote]

There was a petition which asked for all organisations to publicise equivalent geographic numbers which achieved over 43000 votes in a relatively short time. See


There was a great deal of discussion about the Government response on this site, see ;


Note that this Petition did not call for an outright ban of 084/7 numbers but perfectly reasonably asked only for alternative numbers to be compulsorily made available.  Note that not even Government Departments are doing this.   To get a ban would be vastly more difficult.   I would suggest that you write to the Prime Minister about this and to your MP in order to add to our general campaign.

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Re: PETITION to No. 10 - Prevent doctors using 084
Reply #119 - May 15th, 2008 at 12:30pm
[quote author=outvilespot link=1185566187/105#117 date=1210766058] Can't see the point behind a piecemeal approach like just going after doctors. [/quote]

If you study this site in more depth you will see that a great deal is being done on a wide front in order to combat the menace of 084/7 numbers.  I recommend that you spend a few hours or even days perusing the threads in this Forum to get an inkling of the scope of our activities which include making freedom of information requests, persuing the inadequate responses to such requests, and writing to all sorts of organisations including Doctors, NHS and PCTs.  

The campaign against doctors using 0844 and 0845 is a focussed component within the overall campaign and is rendered particularly relevant because of the effects of 0844/5 on the sick, ill, old, and impoverished.   The use of 0844/5 by doctors undermines one of the fundamental tenets of the NHS, to be "free at the point of need" and such doctors are in breach of their own contracts with the NHS, clause 483.   If you read the following threads you may learn more about what is going on and then we would welcome any input or assistance you could give to this or the wider campaign : --









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