outvilespot wrote on May 14
th, 2008 at 11:54am:
Can't see the point behind a piecemeal approach like just going after doctors.
It is indeed important that the wider point is not lost in pursuing the particular issue with GPs (and other parts of the NHS).
If however there is some chance of getting this addressed by the Department of Health before the many other central, national and local government departments, as well as non-departmental bodies, do the same, then this is worth focussed campaigning. There are particular issues in respect of the NHS, as pointed out by Loddon, that make this a worthy area of focus.
Some campaigners may focus on areas of particular interest to them, where they feel that their efforts could make a difference.
On the issue of the public sector in general, Ofcom does not have the necessary powers. The Cabinet Office, through the CoI and the Contact Office, has influence but no authority over other departments and public bodies. Even the response to this petition suggests (wrongly) that this is purely a matter for local NHS organisations. PCTs commonly (wrongly) suggest that this is a matter for individual GPs.
The argument is rightly made generally, however corrective action can (sadly) only be expected to occur on a piecemeal basis.