loddon wrote on Sep 5
th, 2007 at 7:46pm:
Answerphone and fax to email, call diversions? Can't you do all this with a normal number?
I've not heard of fax to email being done without substantial costs on a geo?
Quote:What do you mean by a presentation number? How is this different/unique to NTS numbers?
A presentation number is the number left on peoples caller display units. For example, if Sky ring they leave an 0870 or other number on our caller display units - this is what presentation number is.
Quote:I am looking for special facilities that can ONLY be obtained with a NGN.
You have to look at the bigger picture and that is cost. Like I said in my last post, the cost of hardware, renting of extra lines, storage, diversion costs (if applicable) to other call centres, maintenance, etc, etc... all adds up.
This, in my opinion (as much as I do hate the use of such numbers) is where I think 0845 is a compromise. What I really hate is the common misconception of it being local rate, etc. It should be known as a premium rate number albeit lower amounts than existing 09x numbers.