Notes of the Meeting held on 29th January 2009, HQ Conference Hall
145 – 08/09 Non-Emergency Contact NumberThis paper provides CCMT with the current position regarding the single nonemergency number (0845) and outlines options for the future replacement of the number.
TVP moved to the 0845 number in January 2006. At this time, all calls to 0845 were guaranteed at no more than the equivalent local or national rate to a geographic number. TVP has never derived profit from our 0845 number.
Use of a single, non-emergency number enables functionality that is not feasible through use of a geographic number.
Public perception of 0845/0870 numbers is not particularly positive and there is a degree of ‘brand tainting’ attached to their use. TVP may suffer from this. Complaints/communications about 0845 are low, with only seven recorded in the course of this financial year to date.
The external telecoms market has changed considerably since 2006. This has complicated the telecoms context considerably, in particular with the introduction of charging bundles which often provide free evening and weekend calls. 0845 numbers are not usually included in such bundles, although BT have very recently included them in their bundles.
It is not as straightforward as all calls to 0845 numbers being more expensive. At certain times of the day they are cheaper than geographic calls.
The 101 pilot initially lost impetus when Government withdrew funding. However, the pilot Forces now appear to be refocusing on 101 as their option of choice for contact to the police. All calls are charged at 10p per call, regardless of length. Calls from public payphones are free. 101 is a very simple and memorable number.
Work is under way under the SE Regional Collaboration Programme to ascertain the feasibility of all SE forces using the same non-emergency number. This work will consider the 101 option.
An initial set up fee of £50,000 is required for 101, but there appears to be no subsequent annual or per call charges thereafter.
Ofcom have developed the ‘03’ series specifically for contact with public sector bodies. These are regulated by Ofcom, ensure that all calls are no more expensive than the equivalent geographic call and providers are required to include 03 numbers in their evening & weekend bundles. TVPs equivalent 03 number has been reserved.
Charges to TVP are substantially higher for 0345 than for our 0845 number.
Four options were presented for consideration;
- Retain the existing 0845 number
- Await the outcome of regional collaborative research
- Unilaterally (from the region) implement 101
- Move to our reserved 0345 number
Having looked at all of the options TVP would prefer to transfer to the 101 number but its development is still in the early stages and it is not clear how long it will take so in the meantime will keep the 0845 8505 505 non emergency number.
It was agreed:
1. That TVP would not be looking to change to an 0345 non-emergency number in the short to medium term.2. To look to develop the use of 101 as the non-emergency number for eventual adoption
Action: 1-2. ACC O [Head of CRED]