The Scottish Parliament
16th Meeting, 2010 (Session 3)
Wednesday 6 October 2010 agreed to ask for an update on:
· Progress forces are making in adopting local non-emergency numbers and whether they are achieving the aims of improving access to non-emergency numbers and reducing the cost to callers. (paras 51-53)Since the termination of the Single Non-Emergency Number project, forces continue to take different approaches to the development of local non-emergency numbers on the basis of force geography, contingency plans, marketing and re-branding costs, feedback from service users and the force’s own assessment of what constitutes best value.
Central: there have been no significant changes since 2009. The force continues to use a main number of 01786 456000 as well as local numbers for the Falkirk area, Callander etc.
Dumfries and Galloway: the force continues to use an 0845 number. They are continuing to maximise media and marketing opportunities to build awareness of this number. BT have confirmed that the average cost of a daytime call to this number from a BT landline is only 5p and an evening call 1.25p, although mobile charges will be higher.
Fife: in July 2010 the force completed a best value review of the Force Contact Centre. That review recognised the continuing misuse of the emergency 999 system and recommended a local marketing campaign to promote the use of the existing single non-emergency number (0845 600 5702.) The review has also recommended resolving more issues at first point of contact through closer links with partners, in particular Fife Council Contact Centre.
Grampian: there have been no significant changes since 2009. The force continues to use a single non-emergency number (0845 600 5700).
Lothian and Borders: the force is undertaking an end to end review of call demand and the processes involved in response to gain a better insight into the nature of the calls for service. Like Central, the force has one main non-emergency number (0131 311 3131) with an additional option outside Edinburgh of dialling local numbers at a local rate. Some consideration is being given to a move to an 0300 number.
Northern: local numbers are available as well as a force-wide non-emergency number (0845 600 5703.) Call handling is currently being considered as part of a shared services best value project.
Strathclyde: the force currently has a range of local non-emergency numbers which get directed to the force communications centre. Consideration is being given to the adoption of a single non-emergency number in the near future.
Tayside: Tayside replaced their 0845 number with an 0300 force-wide single non-emergency number in 2009, this reduced the costs to callers to a local call (irrespective of the carrier). The force is presently working with respective local authorities to scope the potential for the force to take local authority out of hours calls, this is anticipated to present future opportunities to integrate the use of the 0300 number with other non-emergency services locally.