this url will take you to the site I am not sure how helpful they are but it may be fruitful to contact otelo on Monday and see if you can find out there telecom provider
Also contact icstis and ofcom it is not the oficial route but in my experience if you are lucky enough to be connected to a savy operator they may help you further. receive a lot of emails and letters about complaints we cannot help with.
Please remember that there are rules about when we can accept a complaint. If after looking through the website you remain unsure if your complaint is one that we can handle, please give us a call, Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm
If you contact us please provide your name and your postal address.
Our Address
Otelo, PO Box 730, Warrington, WA4 6WU
Our email address is:
Our phone number is:
0845 050 1614
Our regional phone number is:
01925 430 049
Our textphone number is:
18001 0845 051 1513 or 18001 01925 430886
Our fax Number is:
0845 050 1615 or 01925 430059