Dave wrote on May 25
th, 2010 at 10:06pm:
I have done some digging through the 01485 577xxx numbers. From the ones I tried, they map directly to 0300 456 7xxx. It seems as though ConstructionSkills have 0300 numbers for their offices as 0300 456 5xxx numbers are also for them.
Here's what I found in 01485 577xxx:
197 @ Site Safety Plus department
271 @ Grant Scheme Team
279 CPCS (as 0844 815 7274)
316 National Construction College (as 0344 994 4433)
317 @ ConstructionSkills Apprenticeship Matching Service
370 to 378 ConstructionSkills Conference Bridge
774 @ Grant Scheme Team
920 @ CSCS Enquiry Line
934 @ Employer Services Support Team
'@' means answerphone or voicemail (when I tried)
Unfortunately all those numbers do not allow to make the payment for the card application or order an application form for the CSCS Card. When you ask to forward to the right number, they are just telling that you have to call 0844 248 5262 or 0844 5768 777 number.
It seams that even if you wish to pay for your card £ 30.00 you still have to pay for the call as well as for waiting on the line while all the advisors are busy..... Unfair, but what to do. If you ask them any additional number, they refuse to provide one.