z0inks wrote on Jan 11
th, 2008 at 2:47pm:
I remember when I first moved here a few months ago I was left scratching my head when I couldn’t call a taxi firm’s number - where I’d come from you can get away with just typing the last six digits for local calls.
You can dial local numbers without the code for all areas in the UK. Not all local numbers are 6 digits, which probably explains why you had difficulty calling the taxi firm.
All codes of the form 011x and 01x1 are four digits plus seven digit local number. Eg: 0113 2345678, 0131 2345678 etc
All codes of the form 02x are three digits plus eight digit local number. Eg: 020 81234567, 028 90123456
The vast majority of the rest (which all begin 01) are five digit codes with six digit local numbers.
There are a few six digit codes with five digit local numbers. These are all beginning 01 and are in rural areas.