Posts: 5
Cambridge, UK
Wrote to my MP about DVLA 0870, he wrote to the Department of Transport, here is their reply reproduced verbatim with personal information redacted.
Thank you for your letter on behalf of your constituent regarding DVLA's use of 0870 numbers. I am replying as I have Ministerial responsibility.
In March 2005, the Central Office of Information (COI) published a paper entitled Contact Centre Guidelines. General advice within this document was that 0870 were not recommended but the advice was not prescriptive. If 0870 numbers were being used, COI suggested that other alternatives, i.e. a standard geographical number was offered in parallel and the web or postal mechanisms were available to give the customer a choice. In view of these factors, DVLA considered that its telephone customer interface was in accordance with the COI guidelines.
However, OFCOM also published a report on the use of 0870 numbers and DVLA also took into account this guidance along with the subsequent guidance given in the Varney report in December 2006.
DVLA planned to move to the 0300 number range, away from the 0870 number ranges by February 2008. However, this change has now been placed in abeyance due to the withdrawal of the original OFCOM paper and recommendations. DVLA awaits the republication is spring 2008, however, their background planning continues to ensure that they can meet any deadlines. I am sure your constituent will appreciate that DVLA cannot adopt any new number ranges until the new OFCOM paper is re-published.
Yours sincerely