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0800 100100 Free DQs Has no 01/02 Alternative! (Read 35,652 times)
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The Forum Ghost of NonGeographicalMan<b
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0800 100100 Free DQs Has no 01/02 Alternative!
Feb 8th, 2008 at 12:49am
I was listening to Richard Bacon's show on BBC Radio Five Live on Feb 7th just before midnight when a lady for a new free of charge directory enquiry service called 0800 100100.  This allegedly gives you a free directory enquiry number after listening to a 20 second advert first.

Now this sounds like a good idea, except that the main people now wanting to use such a service would all be using a mobile phone (as getting a DQ number for free on the web at home is much easier than calling voice directory enquiries either pay or free) and despite using the link at www.freedirectoryenquiries.com to be texted the number to call from my mobile incredibly it was still 0800 100100!  These jokers also use an 0844 number for sales that alternates on their website with an 020 number for sales which I have now added to our database as an alternative to the 0844.

Now on the face of it this seems a great idea but in view of the failure to provide a geographic number can we assume that the intent of this company is actually to make mobile phone companies rich by getting lots of uninformed potential callers to call an 0800 number they believe to be free only to be stung by hidden massive charges every bit as high as a 118 prefixed DQ number. Shocked Angry Cry
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« Last Edit: Feb 8th, 2008 at 12:50am by NGMsGhost »  

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Re: 0800 100100 Free DQs Has no 01/02 Alternative!
Reply #1 - Feb 8th, 2008 at 12:09pm
Not quite as high as a 118 number - maybe typically 20p compared to 50p from a mobile - so I'm not sure about your suggestion their intent is to make the mobile companies rich.

It's more likely either that they just didn't do the research, or are actually intending to deceive, probably the former

I'm worried about the received text messages though. Are they premium rate? And even if not, how many unsolicited ones will arrive later?
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Re: 0800 100100 Free DQs Has no 01/02 Alternative!
Reply #2 - Feb 8th, 2008 at 6:52pm
Seems like everybody in their brother were taken in by their press release including Which.

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« Last Edit: Feb 8th, 2008 at 6:53pm by moneysavin »  
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Re: 0800 100100 Free DQs Has no 01/02 Alternative!
Reply #3 - Feb 12th, 2008 at 6:57pm
I just called it and yes it is free on landliens of course.  I managed to find out that the contract for this new service which launched last Friday (8 February 2008), is with Teleperformance in Newry.  Perhaps that helps.
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Re: 0800 100100 Free DQs Has no 01/02 Alternative!
Reply #4 - Feb 12th, 2008 at 7:00pm
Sorry meant to tick the box!
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Re: 0800 100100 Free DQs Has no 01/02 Alternative!
Reply #5 - Feb 12th, 2008 at 7:42pm
NGMsGhost wrote on Feb 8th, 2008 at 12:49am:
Now on the face of it this seems a great idea but in view of the failure to provide a geographic number .........

Resolved - see http://forum.niftylist.co.uk/index.php?topic=3512.msg17564#msg17564
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After years of ignoring govt. guidelines & RIPPING OFF Council Tax payers using 0845 numbers, Essex County Council changed to 0345 numbers on 2 November 2015
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The Forum Ghost of NonGeographicalMan<b
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Re: 0800 100100 Free DQs Has no 01/02 Alternative!
Reply #6 - Feb 20th, 2008 at 1:02am
Heinz wrote on Feb 12th, 2008 at 7:42pm:
NGMsGhost wrote on Feb 8th, 2008 at 12:49am:
Now on the face of it this seems a great idea but in view of the failure to provide a geographic number .........

Resolved - see http://forum.niftylist.co.uk/index.php?topic=3512.msg17564#msg17564

No it isn't because these jokers still refuse to acknowledge the problem themselves or list a geographic alternative on their website.

They also completely failed to respond to my customer complaint to their various email addresses.  I got read receipts but no subsequent reply.  In other words they couldn't give a damn about what the customer thinks...................... Shocked Angry Angry Angry
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The Forum Ghost of NonGeographicalMan<b
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Re: 0800 100100 Free DQs Has no 01/02 Alternative!
Reply #7 - Feb 23rd, 2008 at 12:12am
jimbo2005 wrote on Feb 12th, 2008 at 6:57pm:
I just called it and yes it is free on landliens of course.  I managed to find out that the contract for this new service which launched last Friday (8 February 2008), is with Teleperformance in Newry.  Perhaps that helps.

The main UK address of MM Teleperformance actually seems to be in Bristol though:-



St. James House
Moon St, Bristol, BS2 8QY
0117 916 8000

They claim that Quote:
"Teleperformance is the world’s largest contact centre outsourcer with 263 contact centres in 42 countries. For more information please visit www.teleperformance.co.uk"

Either way the reality seems to be that their staff in NI are a bunch of presumably low paid but definitely ignorant lieing toerags that use the excuse that it isn't their fault if your mobile provider charges for 0800 numbers and where a supervisor swore blind that if I called them on my Vodafone Pay As You Go using 800100100 that this was definitely a free call and that he had tried it from his Vodafone and that was so.  Instead of course my Vodafone subsequently merely showed "Number Error" when I dialled 800100100.
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« Last Edit: Feb 23rd, 2008 at 12:16am by NGMsGhost »  

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Re: 0800 100100 Free DQs Has no 01/02 Alternative!
Reply #8 - Feb 26th, 2008 at 1:38am
See: http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/phones/directory-enquiries-free#mobile

Martin Lewis says.

"Rather bizarrely, if this was a normal number rather than an 0800, it would be cheaper on most mobiles and would be eligible as part of your free minutes allocation.

I've spoken to Freedirectoryenquiries and the reason it isn't currently offered is because as part of its business model it sends a text of the number plus advertising, not possible on a normal number. However I'm talking to the Director of the company to try and find a solution for MoneySavers."
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« Last Edit: Feb 26th, 2008 at 1:39am by moneysavin »  
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The Forum Ghost of NonGeographicalMan<b
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Re: 0800 100100 Free DQs Has no 01/02 Alternative!
Reply #9 - Feb 26th, 2008 at 9:42am
moneysavin wrote on Feb 26th, 2008 at 1:38am:
Martin Lewis says "I've spoken to Freedirectoryenquiries and the reason it isn't currently offered is because as part of its business model it sends a text of the number plus advertising, not possible on a normal number. However I'm talking to the Director of the company to try and find a solution for MoneySavers."

They offers a service on their website to send a text with the 0800 number to your mobile but do not indicate there is any charge.  However from a subsequent reduction in my Vodafone PAYG call credit I strongly suspect this is an expensive reverse billed text message.  The website also states calls to 0800 on your mobile are normally charged at regular rates, again a lie.

I have tried to get the two directors of this company to talk to me and they both dodge my phone calls.  Their PR agency has called me and really, really assures me that 0800 is a free call on a mobile and it is not their fault if some mobile companies actually charge for these calls (in fact they all do).  I try telling her that an 01 or 02 or 03 prefixed number will be much cheaper but she does not have the tecnical brain to understand it or it does not match her PR spiel.  I try pointing out that mobile phone users are their main potential customer base but again they do not want to listen.

In my view these people are actually scammers who are probably making a fortune off these reverse billed text messages they offer to send to your mobile phone from their website.

Only use this service from a landline and avoid it from your mobile at all costs. Shocked Angry Angry Angry
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« Last Edit: Feb 26th, 2008 at 10:00am by NGMsGhost »  

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Belfast, Northern Ireland
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Re: 0800 100100 Free DQs Has no 01/02 Alternative!
Reply #10 - Mar 6th, 2008 at 11:39am
NGMsGhost wrote on Feb 23rd, 2008 at 12:12am:
ignorant lieing

irony anyone?

Firefox 2 comes with a built in spell checker. The UK English dictionary is at nihttp://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/extensions/british_english_diction...

Sorry but I worked in a call centre for 2 years (in NI as it happens, though I think the other call centre in another part of the UK was even worse) and the chances are the people are just idiots rather than liars. They believe the shite handed down from on-high.

Either way, the real problem is not with the advisors but with the management. Even the supervisors can be as moronic as the rest.  Most, though not all, get their positions by knowing other supervisors, not knowing their business.

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« Last Edit: Mar 6th, 2008 at 11:41am by beanoni »  
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The Forum Ghost of NonGeographicalMan<b
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Re: 0800 100100 Free DQs Has no 01/02 Alternative!
Reply #11 - Mar 6th, 2008 at 8:22pm
beanoni wrote on Mar 6th, 2008 at 11:39am:
Sorry but I worked in a call centre for 2 years (in NI as it happens, though I think the other call centre in another part of the UK was even worse) and the chances are the people are just idiots rather than liars. They believe the shite handed down from on-high.

But how did you last in one for two years?  I always reckoned I would be fired on the second day from any call centre for deviating from official company procedure.  Only those who either don't like to or are incapable of thinking for themselves can possibly be happy working in a call centre.  I once worked for Avis one summer holiday as a student vacuuming and washing cars and occasionally driving them between locations and although that was hard work and long hours (13 hours per day) it was work with a point and not mindless work.  A lot of call centre work is what I would call mindless work that leaves nobody (employee or caller) happy at the end of it.

Nothing against NI per se as the best BT call centre I ever experienced was in NI due to BT paying almost the same wages across the UK.  Unfortunately the likes of Capita pay minimum wage and only employ yes men and hence suffer accordingly.  Unfortunately a very uneducated NI person will also typically have a very harsh NI accent and the two things together I find very hard to take.  Working class culture in NI does strike me as very aggressive (even more than say London).  The people in Southern Ireland (Eire) in call centres are often extremely stupid but also charming and laid back with it.  That is a little easier to take.

Either way, the real problem is not with the advisors but with the management. Even the supervisors can be as moronic as the rest.  Most, though not all, get their positions by knowing other supervisors, not knowing their business

Sure but no faceless regime can ever function without its eager footsoldiers ready to do as they are told.  If everyone was as free thinking and non conformist as me then the world's dictators would have no chance at all.
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Re: 0800 100100 Free DQs Has no 01/02 Alternative!
Reply #12 - Feb 13th, 2009 at 6:21pm
If they are lying (deliberately making false statements) about their service, they are in breach of the Trade Descriptions Act 1968 and as such and should be pursued through local Trading Standards.  See: http://www.connexions-direct.com/index.cfm?pid=176&catalogueContentID=358&render...
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