bigjohn wrote on Feb 9
th, 2014 at 10:48am:
Bournemouth Tourism have now stopped using the 0845 number on the front of their website and prominently display 01202 451734. So it only took them six years to admit they were wrong and change their number in the face of recent government pronouncements and the impending European Customer Service Directive.
Seems to me that when they assured Barbara their number was definitely "local rate" they were relying on dimwitted phone call charge illiterate staff to do their dirty work for them when the telco and the Council's Operations Director or the Tourist Bureau Head or equivalent knew perfectly well what the real situation was.
The thing is even with the implementation of this European Customer Service Directive on the horizon we have clearly not won the war against telco extortion and greed.
Look at the following.
1. Minimum BT line rental has increased 150% in 10 years. Most people only pay it because they need fixed line broadband.
2. The minimum cost of connecting a call has gone up 200% out of bundle blackmailing single people making few calls in to taking a call bundle they did not need before.
So the fixed line telco scammers are still at it but have merely adopted new methods.
The only way to beat them is to go to a mobile where £15 per month with Virgin Mobile actually buys you unlimited calls to landline and mobile and supposedly unlimited data (actually 3.5GB worth per month at 3G speeds and then unlimited beyons that at 2.5G or 2G speeds) and there is no nasty line connection fee for nothing at all (or at least only for near worthless weekend calls to landlines).