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Surrey County Council (Read 75,377 times)
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Re: Surrey County Council - It's the telcos' fault
Reply #15 - Apr 28th, 2008 at 1:46pm
I'm sure - In particular NGM Ghost was hassling. Wouldn't want to take the credit from him.

However it was with in hours of them getting my email and they appear to have changed each of the very things I was complaiing about.

Anyhow it makes me think the efforts are worthwhile so I don't want to think my email was not the cause.

Waiting for the feedback from the Surrey PCT now  Smiley
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Re: Surrey County Council - It's the telcos' fault
Reply #16 - Apr 28th, 2008 at 1:54pm

Actually the credit is due to SCC really. After all consider all the letters/emails we write to little effect and therefore get no acknowledgement for any success. I spent ages on National Rail Enquiries and many others and my stuff is clearly only a very, very small subset of others efforts when you compare the amount of posts here.

PS The 'I'm sure' was agreeing with the point that others did a lot.
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Re: Surrey County Council - It's the telcos' fault
Reply #17 - Apr 28th, 2008 at 3:17pm
I noticed that Keith was on first name terms with the CEO and Leader of the Council at Surrey CC in his email.

If he is someone they know with some clout then they are more likely to have responded quickly than if a mere complaint from Jo Bloggs was received.

In fact judging from the contempt with which their Highways department treats most matters, even life and death ones, even if one cc's the CEO and Leader of the Council I would say that the only possible explanation is that Keith is someone who has some influence with the powers that be at Surrey CC.

Normally a letter to the CEO would simply be passed to Customer Services only to receive the usual contemptuous and patronising reply (with the lies previously shown on their website) many weeks later.
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Re: Surrey County Council - It's the telcos' fault
Reply #18 - Apr 28th, 2008 at 3:25pm
Keith wrote on Apr 28th, 2008 at 1:54pm:

Actually the credit is due to SCC really. After all consider all the letters/emails we write to little effect and therefore get no acknowledgement for any success. I spent ages on National Rail Enquiries and many others and my stuff is clearly only a very, very small subset of others efforts when you compare the amount of posts here.

PS The 'I'm sure' was agreeing with the point that others did a lot.

I had several previous conversations with their heads of customer services in previous years and was repeatedly lied to that a geographic number alternative would be along shortly to replace the 0845.

I suspect the CEO of Surrey CC is aware of recent Ofcom correspondence about 03 numbers and the revised COI gudiance and that this has suddenly prompted them to have to concede they are wrong.  I think they were already working towards an 03 number anyway and that this is an old web page written for them by their call centre partner that they were unaware still existed.  Thus with what I believe are steps they have in hand to eventually bring in 03 the email you sent alerted them to the embarassment of this web page that they were therefore, at this stage, happy to rapidly correct.

However note that they only shut down the geographic alternative number listed on this website (their old main switchboard number) within the last 3 to 4 months, which suggests that other parties at Surrey CC or their contact centre partners were still trying to force us to use the 0845 number. Shocked Angry Smiley
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Re: Surrey County Council - It's the telcos' fault
Reply #19 - Apr 28th, 2008 at 4:40pm
I'm afraid I don't know know these guys from Adam so no influence involved. In my business I do deal with very senior people in multi national organisations and it is normal to work on a first name or nick name basis, so out of habit I always do that. I've never come across anyone who has objected and has expected to be called Mr. Smith or Ms. Jones and I prefer people to address me as Keith rather than Mr. XXX or Sir when I'm dealing with them.
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Re: Surrey County Council - It's the telcos' fault
Reply #20 - Apr 28th, 2008 at 5:00pm
Just rec'd an email from Nicolas Skellett:

Dear xxxxxx,

Can I thank you for your email and for drawing to my attention inaccuracies on the Surrey County Council?s website with regard to the use of our 0845 telephone number. Please be assured that the page in question has been updated with our latest understanding of the situation.

The page in question now reads as follows:

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Re: Surrey County Council - It's the telcos' fault
Reply #21 - Apr 29th, 2008 at 8:54am
Hello, I thought I'd join the topic. My name is Simon Pollock and I am Head of Customer Services at Surrey County Council.

Yes indeed, we did change the web page after Keith alerted us to the fact that the old page was incorrect and out of date, and yes I was a little embarrassed. Many thanks Keith for getting in contact.

We are looking at using an 03 number and can see the benefits to the residents of Surrey. The issue that we have at the moment is that some telcos are charging organisations by the minute for using the 03 number range, which, as a public sector organisation means that we have to pass the cost onto the council taxpayer. This extra charge to the council taxpayer effectively takes the maximum per minute charge over the agreed national limit, albeit indirectly, so we are waiting for Ofcom to advise us of their recommendations to see if this indirect charge can be removed. I should stress that not all Telcos are levying this corporate, per minute charge. We will of course not wait for too long and may make an interim decision to move to an 03 number.

I should also say that changing a main phone number is quite a big job (reprinting leaflets, repainting vans, restamping 2m library books etc) and if we do change, we will migrate the number over a long period to reduce costs. It should also be noted that we operate in a democratic environment so I would expect the decision on whether or not to change our main access number to be made by our elected councillors following a report from our Customer Services department on the implications of changing over.

I hope that clears things up a little and will check back in the topic to try and answer any further points, but once again, many thanks for bringing to our attention.

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Re: Surrey County Council - It's the telcos' fault
Reply #22 - Apr 29th, 2008 at 9:40am
Again, well done to Keith. Smiley
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Re: Surrey County Council - It's the telcos' fault
Reply #23 - Apr 29th, 2008 at 10:55am
Simon_From_Surrey wrote on Apr 29th, 2008 at 8:54am:
Hello, I thought I'd join the topic. My name is Simon Pollock and I am Head of Customer Services at Surrey County Council.


Congratulations at least on your bravery in sticking your head above the parapet here given the longstanding and outstandingly bad record of Surrey County Council in repeatedly promising over 3 or 4 years that it would bring in a geographic number and then not doing so.  At least Surrey County Council seems to care about what is said about it in public on this site.  It may perhaps care rather more when I have emailed all 81 of your councillors (apart that is from those dinosaur councillors like Terry Dicks who do not have email and where the County Council inexplicably fails to provide an arrangement where emails are printed out and posted to such councillors) with a link to the discussion on this website.

I have had telephone conversations with several of your predecessors in my former position as a district councillor to the effect that you were working on introducing an official geographic alternative number (rather than the unofficial one listed by this website) and then none of those promises were ever honoured and your heads of customer services kept on changing (ok its a rotten job I accept and nobody probably wants to stay in that post forever).

More recently the 020 number that I added to this site three or four years ago as a geographic alternative number for your 0845 (the old main Surrey CC switchboard 020 8 number ending in 00) was changed to play a message telling people to call 0845 instead.  This kind of behaviour is only normally seen by more ruthless call centre operators determined to earn revenue share such as Sky.  Why was this number shut off and no longer able to reach the Contact Centre when it had worked perfectly well for several years? Shocked Smiley

Yes indeed, we did change the web page after Keith alerted us to the fact that the old page was incorrect and out of date, and yes I was a little embarrassed. Many thanks Keith for getting in contact.

There is no excuse for what was on your website at this pont in time and I have a copy of it and intend to include it in my email.  It was clearly the kind of rubbish used by more abusive commercial call centre operators like Capita to try and bamboozle the public in to going away.  It is disgraceful that a local authority should ever have had such rubbish on their website and especially in 2008 and especially after I had raised this issued several times with your heads of customer services.

We are looking at using an 03 number and can see the benefits to the residents of Surrey. The issue that we have at the moment is that some telcos are charging organisations by the minute for using the 03 number range, which, as a public sector organisation means that we have to pass the cost onto the council taxpayer. This extra charge to the council taxpayer effectively takes the maximum per minute charge over the agreed national limit, albeit indirectly, so we are waiting for Ofcom to advise us of their recommendations to see if this indirect charge can be removed. I should stress that not all Telcos are levying this corporate, per minute charge. We will of course not wait for too long and may make an interim decision to move to an 03 number.

Simon I was given this kind of excuse in January when I last challenged your use of 03 but the fact of the matter is that two UK Police forces have now switched their contact centres to using 03 so it clearly is possible to move to 03 if you put your customers first.  Alternatively why use 03 at all and why not use a geographic 020 number that will then not cost any extra to run.  The old arguments that because you are in Kingston this will cost people in Farnham extra no longer apply as all telcos charge the same price for all 01/02/03 numbers regardless of where you are calling from.  Also all 01/02/03 numbers are covered by inclusive calling plans on fixed lines and bundled minutes on mobiles and 0845 numbers are not.

West Sussex County Council only uses geographic numbers for all their points of contact and Surrey only has the one 0845 number on which callers are consistently guaranteed to receive an abysmal service with no direct option on the IVR system for one of the most likely reasons for calling (reporting a road defect) and instead politically correct putting up front of your social services options that only the minority of the population use.  The staff in your call centre usually seem to have no clue whatsoever where anywhere in Surrey actuallu is and I would describe 65% of them as hardened call crunchers who convey no passion at all for their job or serving the County's Council Tax payers.  Surrey County Council's contact centre is really one of the very worst I can think of anywhere in the public sector. Shocked Angry
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« Last Edit: Apr 29th, 2008 at 12:07pm by NGMsGhost »  

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Re: Surrey County Council - It's the telcos' fault
Reply #24 - Apr 29th, 2008 at 11:19am
I should also say that changing a main phone number is quite a big job (reprinting leaflets, repainting vans, restamping 2m library books etc) and if we do change, we will migrate the number over a long period to reduce costs. It should also be noted that we operate in a democratic environment so I would expect the decision on whether or not to change our main access number to be made by our elected councillors following a report from our Customer Services department on the implications of changing over.


I'm sorry but these are just the same old time worn excuses that hardened NTS 084/7 number users have persistently always used to justify the retention of their 084/7 numbers and to claim they are easier to use because they will never have to change them etc, etc.  But now we find all of the more hardened 0870 number abusers like Sky are finding it perfectly easy to move to 0844 numbers from 0870 in order to retain their revenue share if and when Ofcom ever force 0870 numbers to be charged at 01/02 prices (Ofcom having already delayed this from 1st Feb 2008 for ridiculous reasons they were actually aware of all along).  As I hope you will know Ofcom has no plans to change 0845 to geographic call rate.

As to changing numbers its easy.  All you do is bring in the new 03 number and put in on your website and in new brochures as and when they are printed put a message on the 0845 number telling callers to redial your new 03 number that you have introduced to ensure the lowest possible calling costs to all your customers/council tax payers.

Also I have recently had long discussions with one of the BBC's most senior Customer Service managers about the costs of moving to 03 from 084/7 prior to his writing a recent Board paper recommending in favour of the BBC switching to all 03 numbers and he told me there was only a very minor extra cost in terms of operating their call centre but it was absolutely trivial in comparison to the overall call centre operation bill.

03 numbers were introduced in August 2007.  Ofcom has such an 03 contact centre number and two UK Police forces (one of these is Essex) that were using 0845 have switched to using them.  So why hasn't Surrey County Council? You can't say its down to contracts as your authority has been aware of the issue for over three years and so could have renegotiated any contract and changed telephony supplier by now if Surrey CC had the political will to do so.  Unfortunately Surrey County Council has the kind of culture where you tend to believe your own nonsensical spin (such as the rubbish that was on your own website about your use of 0845 numbers) rather than keeping focused on the best interests of your residents rather than your own internal operational convenience.

I would note that the local authority on which I was previously a councillor unanimously passed a resolution in July 2005 deciding that it would not use 084 or 087 prefixed numbers for any contact lines used by the public.  Can you explain to me why in the intervening period of nearly three years your authority has still not taken a cue from Mole Valley's excellent example.  Especially when I have raised the matter several times previously with your predecessors at Surrey County Council and have been given undertakings you would be switching to using a geographic phone number in the near future.

See Minute 141 (Motion 2/2005) at www.molevalley.gov.uk/media/pdf/1/s/Council_Minutes_190705.pdf where this decision to not use 084/7 numbers was taken by the Council's July 19th 2005 meeting.

Finally with regards to the decision about any move to 03 numbers being taken by your Councillors surely as you have abolished the Committee system at Surrey CC it will only be those 10 of your 81 Councillors on your Cabinbet (Executive) who have the opportunity to make such a decision.  Also can you tell me by whom at Surrey County Council the original decision to change from your 020 numbers to a single 0845 contact centre number was taken?  I wonder if that decision was actually taken by any Councillors? Wink

Also although the other 71 County Councillors are not on your Executive quite a number of them (including many members of the Lib Dem opposition) are on your Scrutiny committees and so surely could easily have brought forth a motion for discussion on this issue at any time?

I look forward to your further comments on this matter.
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Re: Surrey County Council - It's the telcos' fault
Reply #25 - Apr 29th, 2008 at 12:50pm
I am posting below a copy of an email I received from Kate Davies (a previous manager of the Surrey County Council Contact Centre) on 27th April 2004.

Ms Davies then subsequently telephoned me more than once to assure me that Surrey County Council was now working urgently to try to change its telecoms supplier to one that could offer access to the Contact Centre using 01 or 02 prefixed numbers.

But four years on (almost to the day) and still SCC continue to use 0845 and continues to try to fob the public off by pretending that they genuinely have any plans to switch to 03 numbers.

You will notice all the caveats above by Simon Pollock about any change being subject to the agreement of our councillors to the extra costs etc, etc.  No doubt they will still be playing this same game in another four years time. Shocked Angry Smiley

Note that the telecoms supplier is Cable & Wireless.  The same people that are telecoms supplier to the BBC. Wink Roll Eyes

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:      Re: FW: The New Dehumanised 0845 LTS Call Centre?
Date:      Tue, 27 Apr 2004 11:22:20 +0100
From:      Kate Davies <kate.davies@surreycc.gov.uk>

Thank you for contacting me with your comments.  At Surrey County Council
we are always interested in hearing what our customers think of the service
they receive from the Contact Centre and I appreciate receiving your

I have contacted Cable and Wireless, our telephony providers in order for
them to respond to me about your comments regarding 0845 and 0870 numbers
and am waiting for their reply.  However I would appreciate being able to
speak directly with you about your comments.

When would be a convenient time for me to telephone you and what contact
number would you like me to use?


Kate Davies

Kate Davies
Contact Centre Manager

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:      FW: The New Dehumanised 0845 LTS Call Centre?
Date:      Fri, 23 Apr 2004 14:30:00 -0000
To:      kate.davies@surreycc.gov.uk

Dear Ms Davies,

I understand you are the County Call Centre manager at Surrey County Council and so felt sure that you would be interested in the comments in my email below in response to a letter I have just received from Roger Archer-Reeves saying that not only the public but also district council Members must now call the County Call Centre Service with any enquiries that they may have.

Apart from my extremely strong personal dislike of the poor quality of service that always results from such catch all telephone based customer service centres I am even more annoyed that the Contact number can only be called on an anticompetitive 0845 NTS number that is not included in all inclusive calling packages and that also costs 300% more than it costs me to make any other uk national or local geographic call in the daytime.

If you are not aware of the strength of feeling that is currently gaining ground amongst the general public against such NTS numbers I suggest that you visit the website www.saynoto0870.com

I look forward to receiving your comments.


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« Last Edit: Apr 29th, 2008 at 12:58pm by NGMsGhost »  

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Re: Surrey County Council - It's the telcos' fault
Reply #26 - Apr 29th, 2008 at 12:52pm
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 23 April 2004 15:02
To: Roger Archer-Reeves
Cc: debbie.ellis@surreycc.gov.uk; nick.skellett@surreycc.gov.uk;
Subject: The New Dehumanised 0845 LTS Call Centre?

Dear Roger,

I am in receipt of your letter of 20th April, addressed to Dear MR ________.

I do not wish to appear critical of what will no doubt be explained to me as being a move to save LTS officer time in Dorking for finer things etc, etc but I have to say that as a district councillor I can only deplore a change that requires our own calls and our constituents calls to now be handled by a depersonalised central call centre for the whole county in Kingston, rather than by personnel based in Dorking and familiar specifically with the road network and the public transport systems in the Mole Valley area.

Although the frequent modern business trend in recent years (although with very some notable exceptions such as the Nationwide Building Society) has sadly been to replace personal contact with staff directly familiar with a caller's problems with huge and depersonalised call centre factories I cannot say that I in any way either welcome or support this business trend.  Of course if it could be definitively proved that Mole Valley LTS customers were actually likely to end up receiving a better service as a result of such business "modernisation" then I might of course be prepared to reconsider my position.

Can I also make the following specific points regarding the introduction of the centralised County Call Centre (not even a centralised Call Centre for just LTS issues) for handling Mole Valley LTS specific calls:-

1) Even if you believe this is the most resource/budget efficient way to handle calls from the general public to also ask Mole Valley district councillors to use the same interface is inevitably going to be like the proverbial red rag to the bull?  People do not usually become district councillors so that they can only then end up attempting to address their constituents problem by having to call the same centralised, depersonalised and dehumanised call centre that will no doubt frequently also turn out to be the cause of many of their constituents complaints.

2) I totally deplore the decision to use an 0845 non geographic NTS call handling system number for this call centre since all such NTS numbers allow the company receiving the calls to share part of the incoming call revenue with their telecoms provider and thereby give every incentive for the company/body running the call centre to introduce long and complicated touch tone menu systems, usually followed by the inevitable subsequent 5 minutes on hold.  In addition 0845 and 0870 NTS numbers are also charged at rates substantially above the rate charged for ordinary geographic UK calls by most telecoms providers (it only costs me 1p per minute to call an ordinary geographic UK number on a weekday daytime but costs 4p for an 0845 "localcall" number) and most disgracefully of all are also completely excluded from all inclusive calling packages offered by companies such as BT, Onetel, Tiscali, Talktalk and many others.  Since the County Council is not in fact a commercial company
I think it is most inappropriate that its phone number for accessing the Mole Valley LTS should be anything other than either a standard geographic (eg 01306) or a freephone (0800 or 0808) phone number.

In short I cannot in any way welcome this change as a positive step forward and it seems a great pity that it appears to have been taken without deciding to consult our opinion on the matter as locally elected members before its implementation.

One wonders is this is in fact perhaps going to turn out to be another Pixham Lane type issue?

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like to discuss this further.

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« Last Edit: Apr 29th, 2008 at 12:53pm by NGMsGhost »  

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Re: Surrey County Council - It's the telcos' fault
Reply #27 - Apr 29th, 2008 at 1:18pm
Hello all,

I will try and answer as many of the above points as I can.

Why did we shut off the old geo number that was listed on the site?
I wasn't aware until I just read the above post that it was on the site, otherwise I would have let you guys know an alternative. The number was shut off at the time that we installed a new phone system for two reasons. Firstly, calls on the old numbers would have had to be compressed three times by the time that they reached our operators, leading to very poor sound quality, not very good if you have a hearing impairment. Secondly, our strategy is to issue one phone number to our residents to make it easier to access our services without being passed from pillar to post by council employees, this has worked by enlarge and we now have about 20% more people contacting us and very few call transfers. The issue of us using an 08, 03 or 02 number to do this is a separate issue.

Why are we giving the same excuses as in January?

Because, unfortunately there has been no shift between Ofcom and the telcos since January in resolving the issues

Can we use an 02 number for resident access?
Yes we can in theory, although we would need to assess the implications on sound quality and being able to route it across multiple sites in the situation where our Contact Centre building is inoperable. We would also need council approval

Why is Social Services first on the IVR menu?
It isn't, Libraries and Registrations are as they are our busiest lines. We are also preparing a possible solution to removing the menus altogether which could be introduced at the same time as any number change.

Surrey Contact Centre staff are hardened call crunchers
You wouldn’t expect me to let that one go would you? Last year our Contact Centre came runner up (to Lego) as the “Best Centre in Europe for Customer Service” in the CCF awards, was cited as a best practice case study by the Cabinet Office, was a finalist in the CCA awards in the category “Best Public Sector Contact Centre” and internally our staff are not targeted on call length or number of calls taken, but are targeted on quality of service given. They are also very nice people who love working for Surrey residents! We try very hard to do the best that we can and hate getting things wrong, so if you have had a bad experience, we are sorry and you are more than welcome to let me know directly and I will try and resolve things.

It’s not expensive to change the phone number

Totally agree, if we did it slowly using the web, messages on the old number and phone book updates to start with it would reduce any costs to our residents, which is what I would recommend. Apologies if my post was a little vague on this one.

Council Approval
As changing our phone number is a major change to the way people access our services, we wouldn't ammend anything without our elected member's approval, just wanted to reiterate this.

Apologies if some of this post sounds a little starchy


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Re: Surrey County Council - It's the telcos' fault
Reply #28 - Apr 29th, 2008 at 1:53pm
Simon_From_Surrey wrote on Apr 29th, 2008 at 1:18pm:
I will try and answer as many of the above points as I can.

Why did we shut off the old geo number that was listed on the site?

I wasn't aware until I just read the above post that it was on the site, otherwise I would have let you guys know an alternative.

Don't you think as Head of Customer Services you should be directly aware of such matters.  It sounds to me like Cable & Wirless closed the number down when they became aware of it without informing you because it was costing them money in lost revenue share.  Of course I know you don't get the revenue share.  What you get instead is a cheaper contract price with Cable & Wireless and/or cheaper outgoing call prices than if you did not use an 0845 number.  This is certainly their setup with the BBC, even though the BBC claims to get no direct revenue share.

Why are we giving the same excuses as in January?

Because, unfortunately there has been no shift between Ofcom and the telcos since January in resolving the issues


Ofcom introduced 03 numbers and adopted one itself in August 2007.  Two UK Police forces (one of these is Essex) have replaced their 0845 numbers with 03 numbers that are live now.  Why have you missed Sir David Varney's recommended introduction date for 03 number of November 2007.  Ofcom's position is that this change is not up to them and that it is up to your organisation to make the change.  They merely facilitated it by introducing the new 03 number range which is directly equivalent to your 0845 number with no changes in your call centre handling equipment being necessary.  Don't blame Ofcom for your delays and for Surrey CC deliberately igoring Sir David Varney's deadline.

Can we use an 02 number for resident access?

Yes we can in theory, although we would need to assess the implications on sound quality and being able to route it across multiple sites in the situation where our Contact Centre building is inoperable. We would also need council approval

I would tolerate poorer sound quality for a cheaper call price.  In fact I have done by calling your hidden 020 number and do not notice any reduction in sound quality.  I suspect this is just another lie invented by Cable & Wireless to try to justify yet further delays in bringing in an 03 number as this will cost them a lot of lost revenue share.

It’s not expensive to change the phone number

Totally agree, if we did it slowly using the web, messages on the old number and phone book updates to start with it would reduce any costs to our residents, which is what I would recommend. Apologies if my post was a little vague on this one.

So why didn't you bring it in during November 2007 as Sir David Varney recommended.

Council Approval

As changing our phone number is a major change to the way people access our services, we wouldn't ammend anything without our elected member's approval, just wanted to reiterate this.

Your Cabinet or Councillors will do whatever they are told on an issue of this kind by your senior officers if the business case and Sir David Varney's and the COI's guidance on this matter is properly explained to them.

I highly doubt your county councillors have ever had the adverse implications of going on using 0845 for the Contact Centre properly explained to them by the Council's Directors and Chief Executive.  The adverse effects of continuing to use 0845 is in reality a hidden secret mainly under the control of your senior Director staff.  Having been a councillor I know that these people in fact usually have far more real power and ability to control decisions than most of the councillors.  They are also of course much better paid than any of the councillors including its Executive members!   So perhaps that is why to your well paid Directors and Chief Executive the extra cost of making an 0845 call only seems to them like only a small drop in the ocean?  In other words they are totally out of touch with the financial situation of the real average Council Tax payer Shocked
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« Last Edit: Apr 29th, 2008 at 1:55pm by NGMsGhost »  

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Re: Surrey County Council - It's the telcos' fault
Reply #29 - Apr 29th, 2008 at 1:56pm
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