Simon_From_Surrey wrote on Apr 29
th, 2008 at 4:08pm:
It's difficult to answer the previous string as my previous answers are still the answers I would be giving.
This is obviously because you have to toe a stock Surrey County Council propaganda line rather than being allowed to deal with the reality that Surrey County Council is trying to delay, delay and delay again and blame other parties for its own procrastination.
Quote:Its a shame whoever wrote the revised item on your website does not seem to be up to speed then. Where did the November 2007 date come from? Its not in the Varney report.
Quote:The recommendation to move to the 03 number range has been foremost on my mind this year, however, as I have stated, contractual problems within the telecoms industry have so far prevented us moving across our number. These contactual problems will not exist for all organisations, which is one of the reasons why some have moved numbers and some haven't to date.
Get a new 0300 number and stop trying to get an 0345 one that is the same as your old 0845 number (the public doesn't give a damn what the number is so long as it doesn't cost extra to call) and pay the contractual break penalties and you can undoubtedly have an 0300 number in operation within a month at most.
Quote:I am pleased to hear that the 020 number worked well for you, I will ensure that it is kept available until such time as we have fully tested it for sound quality and resiliance and assuming it passes will work to make it more promenant.
Why isn't it shown on the Home Page on your website or under Contact Us as an alternative to the 0845? The only thing that seems to have changed is that if members of the public complain to your contact centre staff they have now finally stopped repeatedly cynically breaking the law (Consumer Protection Act 1987 Part III - Misleading Price Indications) by claiming that it is only a "local rate call" and now offer anyone who complains your new hidden 020 number as an alternative. This shows that the old "0845 is only a local rate call sir/madam" response was also a trained response, even though it was breaking the law.
Quote:You may be interested to know that for a lot of this year I have been speaking at public sector conferences to ensure that the Varney recommendations are widely known, including the switch away from 08 numbers, so am very much on the side of this forum, which is what I am doing here in the first place.
A shame then that despite your awareness of the disadvantages to the public you still haven't yet managed to get the 020 number clearly shown as an alternative on your website!
Quote:Surrey County Council is working to implement Varney recommendations, some of which are challenging to achieve in what our residents would consider reasonable timescales, however, please be assured that they are happening.
They are not at all challenging to achieve. They just require Surrey County Council to put its residents rather than its bank balance first. It was your mistake as a County in agreeing to the 0845 deal so you must pay the costs of extricating yourselves from it. Yes I realise this means it will be spread across all Council Tax payers but this is fairer than those citizens who regularly need to phone the council (eg those needing adult social care) running up huge additional covert premium rate phone call costs.