As far as I can make out, no humans look at messages you send from the Finarea websites. Bear in mind that the service is dirt-cheap because Finarea have no operating staff. You may, possibly, get a response from a human if you email
Alternatively, try to figure out how the billing system is programmed. I think it is something like
1. Attempt to take payment every month from stored details (either bank account by direct debit, or credit/debit card by Visa payment system) unless sum due is less than (?) £3.
2. If payment fails (eg because direct debit hasn't been taken for many months, and customer's bank has therefore suspended it; or because of a glitch in the Visa payment system), customer will see 'payment has failed' screen when logging on to account at (etc), and instructions for making payment by BACS transfer.
3. If payment by BACS transfer not received within x days, suspend account.
4. If payment by BACS transfer is received, allow customer to refresh payment details. If credit/debit card number entered, try to take current balance straight away. Then return to 1. If direct debit, return straight to 1 (I think, but I'm not sure about that).