rinfrance wrote on Aug 15
th, 2008 at 8:52am:
we are also getting a 08 series number with a 1 time payment of £50 to give to people like council etc.
Remember then that 1/ you need to keep them hanging on for as long as possible.
2/ have an answer phone with a long message.
These people will then get the hint.
Quote: If you want some fun, then get Skype out Europe and give them a for example Australian phone number that rings home.
We live in France and have the same problem, so we now give all these type organisations a UK Skype number with a UK premium rate code. Oh boy does that focus them.
you might be interested in a
blog entry I wrote just the other day ... I automatically tell incoming anonymous callers to use an 07017 number.. Chosen specifically to penalise them. (up to 33p/min on BT). Just getting a foreign number is no guarantee that it will cost them anything - e.g. I can call Australia for free from here... and £50 for an 08??? Unless it's an 0800, you should be able to get one for free!!! See the link in my blog entry for just one supplier.