google for the phone number throws up an email address and fax number:
RepairTech - 0871 855 2425
Fax: 01926 810052
Email: hannsg@repairtech.co.uk
So this appears to relate to a contact number for warranty repairs for the Hanns-g range, not for Hanns-g themselves.
Repairtech's website shows
Tel: 00 44 (0)844 482 11 55
Fax: 00 44 (0)844 482 11 66
Which, aside from being totally wrong and actually un-dialable from abroad, at lease gives you a marginally cheaper number to get hold of them on within the UK.
There is also an unverified number for repairtech in the
database of: 01926 810030
I suggest you try that one, and do come back and let us know if it works!