I had this exact problem last year. We kept getting calls from a witheld number, saying they were from "the bank" and asking for our personal details. Yeah, right, as if I'd tell such a caller! And we deal with several banks anyway, so that didn't help. They eventually said they were HSBC, so I asked for a number I could call them back on, preferably an extension number I could ask for after dialing the main call centre. "Sorry, we don't take incoming calls." ! They wouldn't, or couldn't, identify themselves, by even giving me my account number, or advise me on why they were calling, and were very rude and cross with me for not cooperating..
Eventually, I called the call centre number, and they were able to check my accounts and identify what was going on (it was a dormant account that had had a few pounds interest owing on it, and it was their collections department that had been calling me [and no, they wouldn't accept a call being put through to them].) and I sorted it out with them. And I then advised the bank to close the accounts.
With all the advice on identity theft, not giving out personal details, etc., it beggers belief that a supposedly reputable bank should think it alright to make unsolicited, withheld number, calls, refuse to identify themselves, but ask for personal details! And to get stroppy with me when I refuse to give them was just uncalled for.