SilentCallsVictim wrote on Feb 6
th, 2009 at 4:09am:
My researches even led me to believe that 0845 calls of up to one hour were now free at weekends for those on the weekend plan, rather than customers being charged hugely more. Furthermore, I had understood that from the 61st minute onwards weekend 0845 calls were charged at the lower rates of 1.96ppm (weekend daytime) or 0.49ppm (weekend evening), as against 3.92ppm (all weekend) for 01/02/03.
I had understood that in general 0845 calls of up to one hour were now free at the same times as 01/02/03, i.e. weekends, evenings and weekends or anytime according to the call plan, and were cheaper when charged: 1.96 vs. 3.92 weekday daytime, 0.49 vs. 1.47 weekday evenings.
Those figures appear to correct be for 0845 numbers for up to 150 calls or 1000 minutes per month, after which calls are are charged at the cheaper rates you quote without the free first hour, as are all calls to ISPs and "indirect access services".