The number referred to above, 0141 2433929, now answers with a recording saying it is "no longer available" and redirects to 0845 300 5090. I have removed it from the database.
The 0845 607 7577 number is listed in our database for student finance for a number of local authorities. It is, however, answered in exactly the same way as 0845 300 5090.
The recording starts of by saying that "Student Finance Direct" has been "re-branded" as "Student Finance England". Good of them to get their priorities right.

The male voice on the 0845 numbers is the same as that on many of the Student Loans Company numbers, so it's for certain they direct to one or more of its 0141 numbers.
Alternatives are:
- Student Finance England 0845 300 5090 / 0141 243 3600
- Student Finance Wales 0845 602 8845 / 0141 243 3960
- Student Finance Northern Ireland 0845 600 0662 / 0141 243 3591
These 0141 numbers answer in exactly the same way as the respective 0845 numbers.
Please provide any feedback on use of these numbers by posting on this thread.Some further information on The Student Room
here which gives a number for Darlington office 01325 215208. This may or may not be one of the numbers that the main menu directs to. I haven't listed it as we already have a 0141 number with the menu on.